California and Gavin Newsome have gone “all in” on increasing the cost of gasoline for California residents.The American Automobile Association reports that the gas prices in California are $4.44 per gallon. This is $1.38 higher than the national average.
Does an extra $1.38 per gallon have an impact on wealthy Californians like Gavin Newsome and his Hollywood leftists? No! They can pay the higher cost. The real victims are the hard working Californians that cannot afford an electric vehicle.
George Clooney and the Hollywood Democrats raged against Donald Trump and warned America of the evil that would happen if he was elected President. These same Hollywood Democrats never address the impact that their leftist policies have on hard working Californians.
Recently, Newsome and the Democrats devised a new way to create even higher gasoline prices. I realize that this is hard to believe, but it is true.
The California Air Resources Board changed the Low Carbon Fuel Standard regulations to force producers of gasoline in California to produce a special blend of gasoline. The University of Pennsylvania Kleinman Center has estimated that the new mandate will add an additional .65 cents per gallon to California fuel prices.
This is another example of the elitist Democrats sticking it to the working class. No wonder Trump was able to capture a majority of working Americans. Trump focused on real economic issues like inflation that working Americans must face. The Democrats focused on helping women get abortions and finding ways to force taxpayers to pay for transgender surgeries.
Remember, Democrats in California and Holmes Beach Florida love to enact new and costly environmental regulations. These same Democrats cannot clean up after storms in a timely manner. Our local Democrat online newspaper has joined the leftists in calling for more costly environmental regulations.
Fortunately, Governor DeSantis and our Legislature will fight against the Democrats attempts to overregulate Manatee County.

Bob Spencer
Manatee Herald