If one doubts how Kamala and the Democrats continue to support the radical teachers unions over the welfare of students, look at the latest Democrat actions in Massachusetts. 

Massachusetts has a law that requires public school students to pass an aptitude test in order to graduate from high school. The initial assessment takes place during a student’s tenth grade year.The assessment determines whether a student has met minimum requirements in math, reading and science. According to The Wall Street Journal, the assessment makes sure that students don’t fall through the cracks and graduate without basic tools to be successful in life. 

If a student fails to pass the assessment in 10th grade, they are given extra resources to bring them up to the standard needed for graduation. 

This law designed to help students be successful in life has drawn the ire of the Massachusetts Teachers Association. Max Page, the union president, said: “The focus on income, on college and career readiness speaks to a system tied to the capitalist class and its need for profit.”

These teachers unions are so leftist and in favor of failed Marxist agendas. Ironically, 80% of black, Hispanic and economically disadvantaged students pass the test the first time. Students are given 5 attempts to pass the test. Only 700 out of 70,000 have failed to receive a diploma.

Why do unions hate performance standards? Probably because these tests can highlight the failures in the system. Unions would rather have no standards than to expose subpar teachers. 

This Democrat fetish with diversity, equity and inclusion is an attempt to promote unqualified people. Personally, when I fly on a plane, I want pilots and air traffic controllers who have passed rigorous testing. When I go into surgery, I want a surgeon who has been tested. 

Keep electing Democrats like Kamala and each of us and our children will suffer.

Bob Spencer
Manatee Herald

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