Another major corporation is leaving the state of California for “greener pastures.” California has been known as a state that pushes forward on rules and regulations on business. This process was manageable by businesses when the state had a two-party system. 

Once the Democrats took control of all the political bodies, the Republicans were unable  to push back on the excesses of the Democrat politicians. Politicians like Governor Newsome and Senator Kamala became subservient to the  left wing fringes of the Democrat party.

The left wing Democrats began attacking businesses through excessive regulation. One example of this is the recently imposed increases in the gas mileage requirements for automobile manufacturers. These stringent rules will raise the cost of automobiles for everyone. Of course, this will cause the most hardship for the working classes. They will suffer the most as prices rise. 

Does this bother the leftist Democrats? No. They will survive on their government salaries and taxpayer paid pensions.

Chevron just announced they are leaving California and moving to Texas. They are just the latest in a long line of businesses and individuals that have left the high taxes and regulations of California for the safety of Texas and Florida.

The Democrat allure of the government fixing every problem with more regulations often crashes in the reality of excessive costs to businesses and individuals. In spite of the overwhelming evidence that socialism and Marxism does not work, Democrats like Newsome and Kamala refuse to give up on their Marxist philosophy.

In the early 1990’s, I was traveling to Austria and Hungary. It was striking to see the differences in cities only a few miles apart. The cities that had endured Marxism with excessive government regulation and control, were so backward and much less economically advanced than cities nearby that had experienced capitalism.

This lesson was never learned by the professors at American universities. They never gave up on their dreams of “equity” and they instilled their values in today’s Democrat politicians.

Today, states like California are experiencing a brain drain as entrepreneurs leave their state and its excessive regulation for “greener pastures.”

Ironically, in Manatee County, we have Democrats switching their party affiliation to Republican in order to bring California values to Florida.

Bob Spencer
Manatee Herald

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