Tales from the Mark Side: The Conservative Voice in Manatee County

No Joe, it’s not a messaging problem. It’s a you problem

By Mark Young


I saw a report today that more and more Americans are living with some level of “fear” that Joe Biden is putting them in danger with his foreign policies.

Well, in the words of John McLane atop the Nakatomi Plaza on Christmas Eve of 1988: “Welcome to the party pal.”

And Die Hard is indeed a Christmas movie so let’s put that debate to rest once and for all.

I shouldn’t be surprised at this point – but I am – that some 38% of this country actually believes Biden is doing a good job. He has a lifelong track record of policy failures that were even acknowledged by his own party and media allies during the democratic primaries.

Hate to say we told you so, but … yeah, we told you so.

This is the same guy who is responsible for the utter failure in Afghanistan, voted against killing Osama Bin Laden, criticized Trump for killing Iranian terrorist Qassem Soleimani and handed over energy leverage to Russia at the sacrifice of NATO allies.

The consequence of that latter policy is that Germany is now blocking other NATO partners from sending military aid to Ukraine because Germany is now reliant on Russian energy thanks to Biden who single handedly destroyed American energy independence created by Trump.

But who could have ever seen a NATO ally kowtow to Russia because Biden made them reliant on Russian energy? Hmm, who could have seen it coming? Oh yeah, we did. 

Not only that, but now America is buying twice as much more oil than we were before Biden took office. And as we learned as gas prices began to soar, Biden asked Putin to increase production and Putin told Biden to stick it where the sun doesn’t shine.

And Biden pretends that we have some kind of financial leverage over the Russians with some kind of sanction power that is going to stop Putin from annexing Ukraine.

Then Biden goes on national television and tells the world that American military intervention is off the table and that, oh, a small invasion of Ukraine would be OK.

And let’s not forget that Biden and Obama, during Russia’s last incursion into Ukraine using proxy forces, would only send packaged meals and blankets. And they did nothing when Russia invaded Crimea, of course.

And in the meantime, China is anxiously awaiting for Biden’s weakness to be fully exposed by Russia so they can launch their own invasion into Taiwan and continue their military expansion and goals of becoming the world’s superpower.

But don’t worry, Biden has been hard at work spending 28% of his first year on vacation.

And in the meantime, Biden continues to push a massive spending domestic and progressive spending bill. He refuses to take questions on Afghanistan, still hoping that is just going to magically disappear somehow. And now he’s refusing to take any more questions on Russia.

But he’s meeting with his staff in the meantime and is actually saying he doesn’t understand why the American people aren’t seeing all the good things he’s doing.


Biden says he believes there is a messaging problem and is going to hit the road to explain to us dumb old Americans that we are wrong, and he’s doing a great job.

I can’t even describe that level of delusion. It can’t even be explained with the typical, “Liberals can’t help themselves because their brains don’t work right.”

It goes beyond that. And I’m not sure what’s scarier: The fact that we have a lunatic in charge or that some 40% of Americans believe Biden is doing a good job.

Democrats are bailing left and right and the average voter who just wanted Trump gone is realizing they made a terrible mistake.

We continue to get a clear picture that more than a third of Americans are either brain-infected liberals, choose ignorance over information or are in that group that truly wants to see America collapse.

We can’t help those who fight against America while hiding behind the very liberties fought for and won by better men and women than they could ever hope to be.

We can’t help the true liberals who were born into a state of delusional denial. But we can help those who just don’t know any better by continuing our fight and continuing to educate them on the truth.

We can wake them up one at a time and snatch them from the matrix that defines their fake existence and wake them up to the reality that their way of life is under attack.

If we can’t do that, then I, for one, applaud Joe’s plan to spend the next year on the road talking to Americans because he will certainly open more eyes than we can.

If Joe had come out of his basement and talked more, we wouldn’t be in this mess in the first place. So go out on the road Joe. Travel another million miles on your beloved and financially failing Amtrak that you have bailed out once again with our money.

Keep opening up that mouth and speak your narcissistic version of the truth and we’ll just keep watching your polls drop. Everytime you open your mouth another slumbering American is awakened.

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