Tales from the Mark Side: The Conservative Voice in Manatee County

Will 2022 be the death of cancel culture? Perhaps

By Mark Young


The best definition of cancel culture I’ve read so far came out of a May study from the Pew Research where they define it as, “rewriting history and stopping the acknowledgement of facts because they are offensive,” for a variety of reasons.

I have to stop and rewrite part of that quote: “Rewriting history and stopping the acknowledgement of facts.”

Let that sink if for just a moment and it’s as insane as it sounds. Of course, for those of us who were blessed to be born with the logical conservative mind, we already know just how insane this movement has been.

It’s the same tactics the Taliban have used in Afghanistan for decades even before our arrival and somehow cancel culture tactics have not only made its way here, but has plagued and infested our society for the last few years.

The Pew Research study really didn’t deal with the topic of whether cancel culture would survive, but it had some alarming points to make.

Despite social media playing a big part in the cancel culture explosion, the study showed 56% of over 10,000 American adults surveyed had heard, “nothing or not too much,” about cancel culture.

Amazingly, another 38% said they have heard “nothing at all,” about cancel culture.

How is that even possible?

Well, I’m glad you asked, because the simple answer is a reflection of everything that is wrong in our political system with people who don’t pay attention to what’s going on in the world around them, but still vote.

That’s how we always end up with a Joe Biden or a Jimmy Carter or a Barack Obama in the first place.

The majority – some 49% – of those who had never heard of the phrase were asked what they think it means and they said, “Actions taken to hold others accountable.”

That’s just scary to think that many Americans choose to live their lives in a bubble and continue to maybe read a headline here or there and base their votes and life decisions on that little amount of information.

As noted, the study rightfully points out social media’s responsibility in pushing cancel culture’s destructive narrative. It doesn’t get into the details as to why, but I will.

Just about every so-called big-tech company which controls the flow of information in this country are not only liberal allies, but have sold their souls to China. From Facebook to Twitter to Google, they all bow down to their Chinese masters who have stepped up their game to cause as much internal strife in America as possible.

Tic Tok, as you probably know, is owned by China and make no bones about the fact that they harvest their users’ personal information. It’s part of the agreement to use Tic Tok and why President Trump tried to shut them down.

It got very little news coverage other than the left and other big-tech Chinese allies crying censorship. Oh, the irony.

And why? Because as I’ve said a thousand times over, America cannot be fully defeated militarily. Even if outside forces got the better of us on the battlefield, the ensuing patriot insurgency would be even more deadly for our enemies and they know it.

Every great military empire has fallen from within and China, as well as the rest of our adversaries are pushing that strategy forward like never before.

If you control the flow of information, you control the masses. Hitler knew it. Stalin knew it. North Korea, Iran, Russia and China know it, too.

That strategy has been working well within the mob mentality of the ignorant sheep in this country. But this strategy will fail because as usual, our enemies underestimate the patriot spirit.

It may take a bit for that spirit to be awakened in every American, but when it is, God help those who think Americans would live under tyranny without a bloody fight.

I feel the awakening getting stronger so I was intrigued when I heard Dan Bongino say on New Year’s Eve that cancel culture will die a slow, painful death in 2022.

I had been sensing the same thing, but wasn’t ready to say it out loud yet for fear of jinxing it. I’m a little superstitious sometimes and unfortunately, am all too familiar with America’s tendency for complacency.

The Pew Research study was conducted in May of 2021. I’d like to think that since then, many more Americans are aware of the nonsense that is cancel culture and have witnessed the backlash this country has suffered under progressive philosophies.

I’d like to think that more Americans are waking up and realizing that this great country and our blessed way of life is under attack. And, if so, that these Americans are finally saying, “Time to act.”

I agree with Bongino. I think 2022 will at least deliver a severe blow to cancel culture, if not bury it for good.

I think the Virginia election was the first signal in this coming change. I think the upcoming Republican blowout in the midterms will be a strong statement that Americans want their country back.

But even more than that, the overly loud left have simply taken things too far. They couldn’t be satisfied with Civil War statues, the Rebel Battle Flag or trying to silence the conservative point of view.

No, they cried wolf too many times by playing the racist card with everything. Their cries to defund the police and empty prisons, while almost successful, are being shut down by voters and candidates – even democratic ones – who have the basic understanding that law and order is the thread that holds a civilized society together.

They have been emboldened to threaten – and enact – violence on a society who strives for peace and quality of life. My fellow patriots, I firmly believe that at long last, this faction working against America internally has been exposed and those involved are traitors to our Republic.

I believe we are so very close to dropping the word “silent” and just becoming the majority. And that is thanks to all of you who have had the courage to stand up and speak your mind.

Silence is a luxury we have not been able to afford in this battle to save our great Republic.

And our voices will soon have even greater platforms to be heard as multiple conservative social media sites are in the works. Facebook and Twitter will lose millions of people and these big-tech companies will lose their power to silence us.

In the face of all these obstacles, we are prevailing. Imagine when we have the actual tools to not only defend against the attacks, but to advance and strengthen our own war footing to remain on the offensive and destroy this progressive nonsense once and for all.

So yes, I am optimistic that cancel culture will face its biggest challenge of all in 2022. And that challenger, and still the reigning world champion, is the American patriot.

Keep up the good fight. Keep speaking your mind. Keep waving that flag. Keep God’s good grace in your hearts.

We can never afford to get complacent again now that we know who our enemies are. They are abroad and they are active. They are internal and they are active. We must be, and remain active, as well.

We will win this fight, but we can’t stop there like we always do. It’s in our nature to kick butt and then just go back to daily life as our defeated enemies plot their return. Not this time, patriots. Not this time. Stay vigilant.

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