Tales from the Mark side: The conservative voice of Manatee County

By Mark Young

It’s Donald Trump’s fault that Joe Biden botched the Afghanistan withdrawl.
It’s Trump’s fault that Coke blundered in 1985 by changing its recipe, considered to be one of the biggest business debacles in American history.
It’s Trump’s fault that Gen. George Custer rode into the battle of the Little Bighorn in the summer of 1876 without adequate intelligence only to find himself against the entire Sioux Nation.

I don’t remember who coined the phrase “Trump Derangement Syndrome,” but kudos to you because you nailed it.  We all know TDS is real on a national level, but it is still infecting Democrats in Manatee County, as well as their local media allies.

An example of that was a recent series of events leading up to this week’s Manatee County school board meeting and covered by the Bradenton Times.  Let’s skip past the part for now where the school district, by the way, just passed a budget worth over $1 billion.  I don’t have an issue with the Times’ primary reporter. He typically does a pretty good job, which is why it’s noteworthy to point out that the Times opted to put “Staff report” as opposed to an actual byline in this hit piece against Trump Train Manatee.  Trump Train Manatee is a Facebook group with over 8,000 members, but if you ever attended one of their rallies or other patriotic events, they are much larger than that.

Trump, after all, overwhelmingly dominated the elections in 2016 and more so in 2020 in Manatee County.The problem with doing a “staff report,” is that it gives a lot of flexibility for management to editorialize what is supposed to be a news story. And Times management took a lot of liberty with their piece that is just flat out inaccurate and misleading.

Seriously though, the Times inflated that post and actually made it sound like some kind of security concern for the school board, following a protest that took place at board member Mary Foreman’s home last week.

As it turned out, the group that protested included a couple of members of the Proud Boys, who were relatively unknown until Joe Biden inexplicably labled them as a white supremacist group during a debate with Trump.  Biden asked Trump to denounce the group and Trump didn’t know who they were either.Now I don’t know a whole lot about the Proud Boys, but I do know a third of their membership nationwide is nonwhite. Facts like that never seem to matter to Democrats, though, and they were denigrated simply because they supported Trump. Why is it when conservatives speak up for their beliefs, we are described as angry?  I have a Twitter account and I was immediately called “angry” by a “proud to be a progressive” Twitter troll when I tweeted out Monday’s first column.  It was expected because Twitter is one giant sewer pipe infested with rats and trolls, which for a guy like me, makes it fun now that I’m free from my liberal media prison to push their little liberal buttons.

He went as far to thank the Bradenton Herald management for terminating, “this angry man.”  Anyway, the Times closed out their hit piece with, “there were no security issues.”  Ya think?  I don’t know if the Times will clarify their piece with some actual facts, but I doubt it. They certainly won’t give a deserved apology to a Manatee County conservative group. It’s just another example of how you are being lied to in the media, nationally and locally.

Trump Train Manatee members are patriots. They love this country and should be hailed for their continued actions. Democrats always forget that they were the party of slavery. Republicans were anti-slavery. Republicans pushed for the end of school segregation while Democrats voted to keep segregation in place. Republicans pushed for blacks to have the right to vote while every last Democrat in Congress voted against it. Facts don’t matter. You don’t see Nancy Pelosi or Kamala Harris visiting the homeless folks because it’s been their policies who made most of them homeless.  I don’t want to get into the election fraud debate just yet, but I will say I have friends of friends in California who said they went to the polls as Republicans and were informed that they had already voted.  Sound familiar? But we’ll get into that at some point in the future. We will not shy away from this fight, and make no mistake, it is a fight. It’s a fight for the soul of this nation. It’s a fight to preserve the Constitution and the principles made clear by our Founding Fathers.

Call me names all you want. Pour your liberal anger all over me if that makes you feel better about yourself. We aren’t going anywhere because we were here first and we are here to stay.

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