Photo credit: courtesy the NSSF

Americans just keep buying guns! This record-shattering trend, which began in early 2020, just keeps going. Last month’s background-check numbers rose from July’s and are the second highest of any August on record.

According to data from the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF), more than 1.3 million background checks were conducted for the sale of a firearm via the FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) in August, bringing the annual number up to more than 12.4 million; in fact, that number isn’t far from the 13.2 million checks that were conducted up to this point last year–the very year that shattered all previous records.

Though these numbers don’t eclipse those of 2020, they are still well above previous years. This trend has continued as President Joe Biden (D) has grasped for any reason possible to punish American gun owners.

“[This trend] sends a clear signal that Americans are choosing their gun rights over the Biden administration’s gun control,” said Mark Oliva, director of public affairs for the NSSF.

Indeed it does, especially given that, while President Biden continues to push for the disarmament of law-abiding citizens, he recently allowed over $83 billion worth of military equipment to be scooped up by the Taliban in Afghanistan. That’s right, Biden wants to limit the exercise your Second Amendment rights, but is content to leave behind a vast arsenal of American small arms to terrorists.

Originally found on NRA’s Americas First Freedom website Read More

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