This is a speech that will seriously leave you with chills.

A gentleman and his wife just recently gave an amazing presentation before their children’s school board on the destructive and anti-Christian BLM Marxist group.

Communism is the exact opposite of Christianity, which is why these parents say BLM does not line up with their Christian beliefs.


The husband and father brilliantly points out that he and his wife represent millions of African Americans who are not buying into the BLM chaos and their constant efforts to indoctrinate generations of children to their extreme viewpoints.

We need a lot more patriot parents like these two to speak out.

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The sway that BLM once had is really starting to fade away.

As a matter of fact, many are starting to get a different viewpoint on George Floyd’s death, and I believe a lot of that has to do with the violent and negative image of BLM.

When the Floyd killing happened, I think it was the most “united” I’ve ever seen people over a police incident – nearly every single person I saw online – even the most radical cop-supporters – agreed it was wrong.

But then BLM got involved and started burning down cities, and spreading division and hate, and everyone forgot the core issue at hand – a man’s life – and just started fighting and rioting.

From USA Today

Last June, 60% in a USA TODAY/Ipsos Poll described Floyd’s death as murder; that percentage has now dropped by double digits to 36%. Uncertainty has grown about how to characterize the incident, caught on video, when Chauvin held his knee on Floyd’s neck and ignored his protests that he couldn’t breathe. Last year, 4% said they didn’t know how to describe it; that number has climbed to 17%.

“There were eight minutes that the officer could have made a different decision, and he willfully held a man,” said Valda Pugh, a 67-year-old retiree from Louisville who is Black. She was among those surveyed. “It was a murder. It was willful – maybe not premeditated. Nonetheless, the young man died.”

Kevin Hayworth, 66, of Garner, Iowa, who is white, disagreed. “I think it was a police officer doing his job,” he said in a follow-up phone interview. “It was just a tragedy, but I think he was within the limits of his duty of jurisdiction.”


It’s so refreshing to see the tide starting to turn away from these extreme views that BLM has been pushing for quite a while now.

Soon, this will be a period in time we look back on and wonder what the heck we were ever thinking in allowing this filth to take over our country.

Attn: Wayne Dupree is a free speech champion who works tirelessly to bring you news that the mainstream media ignores. But he needs your support in order to keep delivering quality, independent journalism. You can make a huge impact in the war against fake news by pledging as little as $5 per month. Please click here to help Wayne battle the fake news media.

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