Illinois Becomes First State to Mandate Asian-American History Lessons in Public Schools

Gov. J.B. Pritzker signed a bill into law requiring public schools to teach a unit of Asian-American history, making Illinois the first state in the nation to require such history teachings to be taught. The measure, Teaching Equitable Asian-American History, will ensure that every high school graduate in the state will be taught Asian-American history “as well as the rich contributions and traditions of the Asian-American and Pacific Islander community,” according to a government statement. “Today, we are reaffirming our commitment to creating more inclusive school environments. We’re making Illinois the first state in the nation to require that Asian-American history will be taught in public schools, including a unit about the Asian-American experience,” Pritzker said. “We are setting a new standard for what it means to truly reckon with our history. It’s a new standard that helps us understand one another, and, ultimately, to move ourselves closer to the …

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