“Fox & Friends” host Brian Kilmeade fired back at Dr. Anthony Fauci on Thursday morning for comments the infections disease expert made on MSNBC the night before, in which he told those who have not been vaccinated to “get over it” and get the shot.


“Here we have a vaccine that’s highly, highly effective in preventing disease and certainly in preventing severe disease and hospitalization,” Fauci said, according to Mediaite. “It’s easy to get. It’s free. And it’s readily available. So, you know, you’ve got to ask, what is the problem? Get over it. Get over this political statement. Just get over it and try and save the lives of yourself and your family.”

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“This is not complicated,” Fauci continued. “We’re not asking anybody to make any political statement one way or another. We’re saying try and save your life. And that of your family and that of the community… We have a vaccine that’s highly, highly effective in preventing disease and certainly in preventing severe disease and hospitalization.”

Kilmeade, however, was not having any of it. He complained that Americans should not be forced to be “berated” by Fauci on this issue.


“Presumptuous to think you’re not getting the vaccine if it is indeed the case because of politics,” Kilmeade said. “Maybe you had the virus already. Maybe you know you have the antibodies. Maybe the fact is its emergency use doesn’t make you feel comfortable. Why not give people credit rather than trying to berate them into doing something and claiming it’s playing politics?”

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“Does your doctor talk to you that way?” his co-host Ainsley Earhardt questioned. She then cited an interview her program did with a father whose son became ill after getting vaccinated.

“I’m not saying don’t get your kids vaccinated — that’s your choice as a parent — but you have to know all of the facts, and when Fauci says get over it, what do you say to that dad, Dr. Fauci?” she asked. “Do you tell him to get over it? His son can’t play soccer anymore.”


This piece was written by James Samson on July 8, 2021. It originally appeared in LifeZette and is used by permission.

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