The message from the Biden White House is loud and clear and being touted by the so-called “president” and his spokeswoman.


He will be sending representatives from his government to go “hunting” for unvaccinated Americans.

Is this the point in this sham where fair-minded Americans finally say “enough is enough?” – Having random “government agents” showing up at your home like Jehovah’s Witnesses, wanting to talk about the vaccine?

MORE NEWS: SDNY Prosecutors Have Found a New Way to Try and “Torture” President Trump…

Good Lord, are you kidding me?

Will the government “door-knockers” show up in hazmat gear, holding needles? Is that what Americans can now expect from a virus with a 99.8 survival rate?

These are straight-up “Gestapo-like” tactics.

Both Jen Psaki and Joe Biden are spreading the same message today about the “door-to-door” vaccine hunters.


You can watch the videos below:

BIDEN: “We need to go community-by-community, neighborhood-by-neighborhood, and oft times door-to-door, literally knocking on doors” to get people vaccinated.

— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) July 6, 2021

.@PressSec says the Biden administration will engage in “targeted community by community door-to-door outreach to get remaining Americans vaccinated.”

— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) July 6, 2021

Here’s what people online are saying about this:

“Local state officials need to block this. This means they are accessing national databases of people who are not vaccinated. That means we’re on a list.”

“Do NOT, I repeat, do NOT come to my door with that nonsense. It won’t go well. Keep that stuff to your WOKE, Leftist BLUE neighborhoods in your BLUE Leftist WOKE cities run by BLUE Leftist WOKE politicians. You all deserve each other.”

“Do NOT, I repeat, do NOT come to my door with that nonsense. It won’t go well. Keep that stuff to your WOKE, Leftist BLUE neighborhoods in your BLUE Leftist WOKE cities run by BLUE Leftist WOKE politicians. You all deserve each other.”


“The only thing that would have made this announcement creepier, was if Mr. Moth Balls *whispered* it to us.”

“I choose to be vaccinated….. people have a choice. I now regret my choice and firmly believe there is another motive behind this. This is the most fucked up thing I have ever heard!”

“I am vaxxed and even I know this is unconstitutional. Plus it set precedent for potential big government seeing how much they can control the people they are supposed to work for.”

“Stop treating Americans like they can’t make their own decisions regarding the vaccine and their health.”

“This is America, where people have the freedom to chose what goes into their bodies. I am happily vaccinated but understand that some are not comfortable being vaccinated for any number of reasons. I guess the right to chose is okay on some life & death topics but not others?”

“Medical Treatments for Political Purposes; what could possibly go wrong? “

“Will they be wearing brown shirts? And armbands?”

There is plenty of information out there – everyone knows by now that there’s a free vaccine, and if they want one, they know where to get one.

We don’t need the creepy government knocking at our doors.

What’s next? If you don’t comply with these vaccine door-knockers, do they send the FBI after you, or place you on some “no-comply list” to be referenced at a later date?


Good God, we’re becoming more and more like China every single day.

COVID isn’t half as scary as this stuff is.

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