Yesterday, Donald Trump held a rally at the Sarasota Fairgrounds.  People started gathering the day before the event not only to get a good spot for the rally, but to visit with others who made the trip.  The camaraderie among Trump supporters is much like one would see before a big music concert.  People talking, playing music and games, meeting new friends and reconnecting with old ones.  These people are people of all sizes, colors, and backgrounds there in support of America’s 45th President.

The weather on the day of the event was one that would have driven off most crowds at any other event.  But this isn’t any other event and Trump supporters aren’t any other people.  They are dedicated and passionate and didn’t give up.  The rain was on and off for most of the day.  In between rain showers, the heat and humidity was high.  Even in these difficult conditions, people stayed to show their support, making the event set records as the largest rally of its kind in the area with some estimates of 30,000 people.  It paid off for all in attendance, the skies cleared as the time approached for Donald Trump to speak, almost as if it was on queue for him to take the stage, making the evening an enjoyable night.

Trump hit all the highlights of current political topics.  He covered things like the pandemic, the border wall, taxes, support for law enforcement, and much more.  He sounded energetic and like a man on a mission in sharp contrast to Biden.  The rally guest speakers and Donald Trump sounded much like a rally from a candidate running for president.  

Save America
Trump supporters.
Supporters of Donald Trump.
Don Jr spoke before his dad.
The welcome sign for Donald Trump at the fairgrounds.



Other than a very minor distraction from someone outside the event flying a plane at low altitudes overhead with a hard to read light up sign displaying the word, “loserpolusa”, the event was a peaceful and well attended.  We spoke to an FAA personnel who thought there might be an airspace infraction and they will be looking into that further.

The rally ended with a large fireworks display celebrating not only Donald Trump, but celebrating the independence of America.


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