Trump advisor and loyalist Peter Navaro appeared on Steve Bannon’s “War Room” where he made a big declaration…


Navarro says that “subpoenas are coming…”

And no, he’s not talking about the Durham investigation – we all know by now that’s a total j0ke – Navarro is actually referring to the election investigation.

MORE NEWS: [VIDEO] What’s Happening Right Now in Sarasota Ahead of Trump’s Rally Will Scare Dems Straight…

This news comes right on the heels of the big SCOTUS ruling on Arizona election integrity.

NPR reported that the U.S. Supreme Court Thursday gutted most of what remains of the landmark Voting Rights Act. The court’s decision, while leaving some protections involving redistricting in place, left close to a dead letter the law once hailed as the most effective civil rights legislation in the nation’s history.

The 6-3 vote was along ideological lines, with Justice Samuel Alito writing the decision for the court’s conservative majority, and the liberals in angry dissent.

At issue in the case were two Arizona laws: one banned the collection of absentee ballots by anyone other than a relative or caregiver, and the other threw out any ballots cast in the wrong precinct. A federal appeals court struck down both provisions, ruling that they had an unequal impact on minority voters and that there was no evidence of fraud that would have justified their use.

But on Thursday, the Supreme Court reinstated the state laws, declaring that unequal impact on minorities in this context was relatively minor, that other states have similar laws and that states don’t have to wait for fraud to occur before enacting laws to prevent it.

Just because voting may be “inconvenient for some,” Alito wrote, doesn’t mean that access to voting is unequal. In evaluating what the Voting Rights Act requires, said Alito, courts should look to what the voting rules were in 1982, when the relevant provision of the law was enacted. Back then, he observed, almost all voting was in person and on Election Day. And “the mere fact that there is some disparity in impact does not necessarily mean that a system is not equally open or that it does not give everyone an equal opportunity to vote.”

This was a HUGE victory for election integrity, and another step that takes the “cheating” out of the mix for Dems.

Peter says that we’re just getting started…and there’s a lot more to come.

You can watch the video below:


This is the only way that we can ever hope to win elections again.

We need to undo all the little “tricks” Dems put in place and especially never allow another Tsunami of mail-in ballots as we did in 2020 and ones that included a non-stop stream of ballot harvesting.

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Originally found on Wayne Dupree Read More

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