My best “relationship advice” to everyone out there, is to find someone who loves you, the same way Dems love COVID and all its “variants.”


These people simply can’t “quit” the virus. The second everyone is happy and feeling somewhat back to normal again, these ghouls start trotting out “phase two” of the Great Reset plan. It’s really quite macabre to watch.

Now, it’s this “Delta Variant.” And “science” be damned, the so-called experts are out there trying to scare the living crap out of everyone…after all, there’s a mid-term election coming up, and Dems need another tsunami of mail-in ballots to pull out a “win.”

So, they’re gearing up early with the Delta Variant stuff, right in time for the primaries, and then all hell can break loose for the actual elections. I mean, you can literally see the plan unfolding right before your eyes.

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And the Dems are really pulling out all the stops to scare everyone silly.

And speaking of that – did you see what Joe Biden just said about the Delta Variant?

This is probably the most shameless and sickening attempt at scaring people into getting a vaccine I’ve ever seen.

Bumbling Joe, who can barely speak in this clip, by the way, struggles, but finally manages to sputter out that he’s heard that someone somewhere said that if you’re not vaccinated, you can pass the “Delta Variant” onto your pets.

Huh? Get the hell outta here…

I guess Dems figure if people won’t get vaccinated to “save humanity,” maybe they’ll do it to save their pets?



Biden now claims that if you don’t get vaccinated you will transmit the Delta variant to your pets.
Do we really know for sure that this presidency isn’t some elaborate Babylon Bee running joke?

— Rising serpent (@rising_serpent) July 2, 2021

This is complete hogwash. How on earth would they have had the time to do extensive enough research to even know something random like this?


Joe’s claim looks and sounds like government propaganda and the only people who will listen to this nonsense are his zombie voters — all “82 million” of them. LOL

They’ll all have their pets wearing masks.

But, rest assured, Joe is already being mocked relentlessly for his latest remarks – as well he should be.

Take a look. It’s pretty darn funny:

— il Donaldo Trumpo (@ilSharko) July 2, 2021


Nobody takes this buffoon seriously – but what he’s trying to do to this country, and the American people is very serious.

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