It’s been a long time coming….but could this be the time when we finally see justice served against the Criminal Clintons?


I don’t know how this will turn out, but I can tell you this much, what just happened in court is our #1 best opportunity to finally take down the Clintons.

So, what’s going on, you ask?

Well, it has to do with Ghislaine Maxwell…and it’s actually a pretty big deal.

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Do you remember those documents that Ghislaine was fighting tooth and nail to keep sealed? The ones that her lawyers claimed were so “salacious” that it would basically “rock the world” to its core?

Well, a lot of folks have always believed that those documents they’re desperately trying to keep sealed will ultimately implicate Bill Clinton in the Epstein pedo-ring – and the very bad news for the Clintons is that a judge just ordered those files to be unsealed.

Juicy stuff, folks…

Conservative Brief reported that Judge Loretta Preska ruled on Thursday that documents about Maxwell’s confidential affairs should be unsealed within the next two weeks. The judge argued that unsealing the documents, which have been long sought after by the press, would not impede Maxwell’s right to a fair trial as her lawyers have claimed.

Among the documents set to be made public within two weeks will be Maxwell’s legal efforts to squash requests from Virginia Roberts Giuffre, who sued Maxwell for defamation, to obtain her financial records, the Daily Mail reported.


Giuffre’s lawyers demanded Maxwell produce a wide range of documents including “funding received from the Clinton Global Initiative and the Clinton Foundation,” per court filings.

The judge ruled that the documents relating to a request from Giuffre for email accounts Maxwell kept secret from the court also be revealed. The potential revelations could implicate a number of powerful individuals including Prince Andrew of the British royal family, and others who had close personal ties to Maxwell and Epstein.

Ghislaine Maxwell cannot suppress evidence the government obtained from a grand jury subpoena of records from her civil litigation with Virginia Giuffre, a federal judge ruled in her criminal case.

— Adam Klasfeld (@KlasfeldReports) July 1, 2021

The Clinton Foundation and related organizations are directly implicated.

— Ian Miles Cheong @ (@stillgray) July 1, 2021

Obviously, we don’t know for certain if Bill Clinton will be implicated in these documents, but it’s always been believed these docs are the “smoking gun” against him, and that’s why his good friend and reported former “lover” Ghislaine and her team have fought so hard to keep them sealed.


Well, now, that fight is over – and within a couple of weeks, that information will start being made public.

The Clinton’s reign of terror may be over – fingers crossed.

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