Britney Spears is fighting for her life right now.


She recently went to court, to ask for her life back.

She’s been under a “conservatorship” for years now, and her life no longer belongs to her.

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Spears told the court that she’s forced to have an IUD, so she can’t get pregnant, she’s forced to work, and told what she can and can’t say.

This is the audio from her hearing:

Britney Spears Leaked Courtroom Audio Conservatorship via @YouTube #FreeBrittany #FreeBrittany

— AleAlex (@LizbettXO) June 24, 2021

This sounds more like a slave situation, right? How on earth has this been allowed to go on?

Well, there’s actually some good news on the horizon…while Britney awaits a ruling on her court hearing, a group of Republican Congressmen has asked Britney to come before Congress and speak on the dangers of conservatorships, and to help lawmakers come up with new laws to save other people from going through the hell she’s been dealing with.

New York Post reported that a group of Republican House members invited Britney Spears Wednesday to address Congress, saying that her conservatorship battle could influence policy and give “hope to millions.”


The letter, signed by Reps. Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Burgess Owens and Andy Biggs, noted the “obvious financial, emotional and psychological abuse” at the hands of Spears’ conservators, and said her testimony could “advance social, political, and criminal justice reform.”

“Ms. Spears: You have been mistreated by America’s legal system. We want to help. The United States Congress should hear your story and be inspired to bipartisan action. What happened to you should never happen to any other American,” the letter read.

“Your story is so powerful, and the admiration of your achievements so great, you (and perhaps only you) can blow that door wide open, giving hope to millions.”

The lawmakers’ invite came a day after the singer lost her bid to have her “abusive” father Jamie Spears removed from her 13-year conservatorship Wednesday, leaving the 39-year-old’s estranged dad in charge of her substantial finances and business affairs.

I hope that Britney takes these Republicans up on their offer.

It’s shocking and disgusting what she’s been put through for all of these years.


This poor woman is literally living and working as a slave, with zero say over her own life, and it’s all been happening right under our noses.

That hashtag for her really is true – we need to fight and #FreeBritney.

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