President Trump has not talked a lot about January 6th.


From a PR perspective, I can see why he hasn’t at this time. He doesn’t have the type of consistent platform needed to go to battle with the Dems massive propaganda machine.

He would likely ignite fires, that they would then control because he doesn’t have a way to “rapid-fire” respond.

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Trust me, speaking as a former PR person, if you’re involved in a “hot issue” you definitely need a quick and effective way to communicate in order to control the narrative – especially with Dems, who have an unbelievably effective, full-throttle media machine at their beck and call.

But Trump’s supporters have been vocal about what did and did not happen at the Capitol on that fateful day.


And there are a lot of questions surrounding January 6th. One of the most troubling is the killing of an unarmed female Trump supporter by the name of Ashli Babbit.

And a lot of people have wanted President Trump to speak out on behalf of Ashli – and today, he did.

With just 4-little yet oh-s0-powerful words, President Trump lit the entire internet on fire.


Here’s what President Trump asked:

“Who Shot Ashli Babbit?”

TRUMP: “Who shot Ashli Babbitt?”

— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) July 1, 2021

Here are just some of the comments online:

President Trump asks who shot Ashli Babbitt. Every American should know who shot Ashli Babbitt. An unarmed young woman was shot at point-blank range and killed for trespassing. Any cop in this country they did that anywhere else would already be in prison.

— Bernard B. Kerik (@BernardKerik) July 1, 2021

“Why does America not have the RIGHT to KNOW what Cop shot an unarmed woman? If you don’t identify the Capital Police officer who shot her in cold blood, then NO POLICE DEPARTMENT SHOULD EVER DISCLOSE THE SAME INFORMATION. You don’t get to have it both ways BIG GOVT.”

“It would also be nice if they told us who planted the pipe bombs around the Capitol building, as well.”

“We would like to know why she lost her life. She was unarmed. No warning issued by the man that shot her. She had no choice to surrender.”

“Who Shot Ashli Babbitt?!! Trending #1 Have you noticed President Trump doesn’t have to be on twitter to be on twitter-probably a bigger presence now.”

“We have a right to kmow who shot her. When a black criminal is shot we instantly know the name of the officer involved.”

“I am glad to see Trump talk about this.”

“It was probably one of Mike Pence’s security guys who did it”

“Thank you, President Trump, her family deserves to know and so does all of America.”

“You know this is a sore, sore spot with the communist left because right they’re out in full-force trashing Ms. Babbitt’s name, like the gutter filth they are.”

“Wow Trump just woke up a very sleepy and boring internet with that question lol”

“Trump is so powerful that he asks one question and the entire county stops and focuses on it. Do you think Diaper Joe could do that? lmao”

“Now that Trump asked this, watch how insanely big this story blows up.”


The left has come out like a swarm of cockroaches to smear Ashli Babbitt and basically split on her grave and say that she deserved it.

I won’t even print the stuff I have seen, it’s so vile and disgusting.

Yet, these are the same people who will gleefully burn down your city when cops shoot a black criminal who doesn’t “comply.”

In truth, we don’t even know what happened to Ashli, because the entire incident is surrounded by a cloud of secrecy.

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Originally found on Wayne Dupree Read More

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