The Supreme Court is poised to issue a major ruling that could impact the practice of “ballot harvesting” across the United States. The court’s current term is slated to expire at the end of this month, which is this Thursday, and it is likely to rule on a voting rights case that calls into question Arizona’s law that bans ballot harvesting, or the practice of collecting ballots for delivery. Also under consideration is the state’s law that mandates the dismissal of ballots that were cast in the wrong voting district. After the Democratic National Committee filed a lawsuit against the laws, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals sided with the Democrats and overturned them. Later, Arizona state Attorney General Mark Brnovich, a Republican, appealed that decision to the Supreme Court. The GOP-controlled Arizona Legislature passed a ballot harvesting bill in 2016 that made the practice—typically carried out by Democratic-aligned …

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