
[AUDIO] Levin Addresses Allegations About Tucker Carlson Leaking Unfavorable News To Liberal Media

On Thursday night, Conservative radio host Mark Levin called out his Fox News colleague, Tucker Carlson, for leaking unflattering stories against conservatives.

The video and transcript below are from Levin’s Thursday night program where Levin — addressed the revelation brought to light by New York Times columnist Ben Smith earlier this week that Carlson is a go-to source for many reporters on the left.

Some claim Levin shouldn’t be calling out Tucker, but if you know Mark, the Constitution is too important. Saving the United States is too important. He can’t sit by and be quiet about this and one more thing. Levin wouldn’t speak to an issue if he didn’t know it as fact.

I would tell my friend Thomas Lifson, and he is my friend over at the American Thinker and others — we know journalists, so many of them, are unethical. That’s the point.

We know that they’ll only keep confidences that they want to keep, or keep people anonymous that they want to keep anonymous. We know this, that’s the point, so don’t be surprised when they don’t.

That said, I’ve been in this business almost 20 years. I worked in the Reagan administration for 8 years. I never once, not once leaked anything to a newspaper or media outlet, ever — let alone the New York Times and their ilk. Certainly not about the people around me.

Now, I could go further into this, I’m not going to.

That is a serious misunderstanding of one’s role, of loyalty, and character. Let me leave it at that.

I used to be approached by the likes of a Brian Stelter, Oliver Darcy at CNN. I never sat down with them, never leaked anything to them. Years ago, when I worked for the Attorney General of the United States, they tried to penetrate the office of the Attorney General — “We’ll write a great story about you, as the chief of staff” — I rejected all of it. How could I look myself in the mirror? I had good parents, they taught me to be a stand up guy.

You see, this isn’t a game to me. I’m not positioning myself. This is deadly serious, this is the real world matters here. The real world matters here.

It’s hard enough to be a conservative on radio and TV, it’s hard enough to be a conservative at a newspaper without people leaking against you. Just remember that, and I think many of you already know that.

So, don’t be surprised when journalists lie, or deceive, or leak themselves. That’s the problem, isn’t it?


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