Just when you thought Biden couldn’t become even more insane, he goes and pulls a move like this.

During a recent press event, Biden really crossed the line when he essentially told Americans that if they plan on using the second amendment against the government then they’ll need nuclear weapons in order to defend themselves.


Watch what he said here:

BIDEN: “Those who say the blood of Patriots, you know, and all the stuff about how we’re gonna have to move against the government.”

“If you think you need to have weapons to take on the government, you need F-15s and maybe some nuclear weapons.”pic.twitter.com/WVHUffpphP

— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) June 23, 2021

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Well, I don’t know about you, but that definitely sounds like a threat and honestly, it could be the most outlandish anti-gun rhetoric we’ve heard from a president in decades.

Of course, Biden is facing major backlash from all corners of the internet.

Here’s what some outraged Americans had to say:

“Is Biden implying that if the people ever rose up against a tyrant the US, our military would nuke US cities so we‘d need nukes to defend ourselves? If so he’s nuttier than I thought. It’s also a false anti-2A premise. If the people ever rose up here, our military would fracture.”

Is Biden implying that if the people ever rose up against a tyrant the US, our military would nuke US cities so we‘d need nukes to defend ourselves? If so he’s nuttier than I thought. It’s also a false anti-2A premise. If the people ever rose up here, our military would fracture. https://t.co/HT4pn4C6KM

— Robby Starbuck (@robbystarbuck) June 23, 2021

“Allegiances & chain of command would break overnight if such a scenario on a mass scale ever occurred (and we all pray it never does) but the left trots out the idea you need nukes to take down domestic tyrants. That’s not the case. It’s a lie built to attack the 2nd amendment.”

Allegiances & chain of command would break overnight if such a scenario on a mass scale ever occurred (and we all pray it never does) but the left trots out the idea you need nukes to take down domestic tyrants. That’s not the case. It’s a lie built to attack the 2nd amendment.

— Robby Starbuck (@robbystarbuck) June 23, 2021

“The President of the United States just threatened us.”

“Dude is openly threatening American citizens on national television.”

“We need nuclear weapons to take on the government? suburban moms with zero weapons scared the democrats so bad on Jan 6th that AOC needs therapy for PTSD ”

“Did he just imply that he’s willing to nuke entire swaths of the country if, say, a couple states decided they want out? That’s how I heard it.”



This is only a snippet of the outrage that many Americans are voicing.

But really, if you’re not deeply disturbed by this, then what part of this radical administration will finally be your wake

The post [VIDEO] Outraged Americans Speak Out After They Say Biden Threatened to “Nuke” Them in Bizarre New Speech appeared first on WayneDupree.com.

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