There are some things Mitch McConnell is good at.

And whipping up the votes to kill bills is one of them.

And that’s exactly what he did today with Dems Marxist/cheating HR1/S1 election rigging bill.

This bill was the backbone of everything that the Dems planned to do, and without it, they’re in big trouble. But, McConnell held his caucus together and the Democrats could not get the 60 votes to end the GOP filibuster…and down in flames, the bill went.

Trust me, Nancy Pelosi – and her buddy Chuck Schumer – are already halfway through their second bottle of wine (or vodka), drowning their sorrows


That bill would have given Demos complete control of elections at most levels and we all know that would translate into massive cheating.

And we all know why they did it –  they know what’s coming in 2022, and they’re desperately trying to stave that “red backlash” off.

The good news is that Republicans ended their hopes and dreams and wound up with a historic victory that will keep our elections safe.

The rotten inner workings of Democrats’ S.1 power grab have been thoroughly exposed to the light. Whichever label Democrats slap on their bill, the substance remains the same.

— Leader McConnell (@LeaderMcConnell) June 22, 2021

MORE NEWS: Bernard Kerick Went to AZ and Discovered The Actual Reason Dems Are So Scared of The Audit

FNC: “Senate Republicans Tuesday blocked sweeping legislation on election and campaign finance reforms that Democrats said is crucial is ensuring voting rights and saving democracy but Republican blasted as a partisan federal takeover of elections. The ‘For the People Act’ needed 60 votes to clear a procedural vote in the Senate Tuesday, but Republicans filibustered and killed the legislation from advancing to debate. No Republicans joined with the 50 Democrats on the motion to proceed.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said Republicans won’t stand for Democrats’ attempt to impose new voting standards on states that would ‘rig’ elections in their favor. He called the substance of the nearly 900-page bill ‘rotten’ to its core. Republicans took issue with imposing federal standards on state elections that they said would weaken state ID requirements. They also oppose starting a new public financing system for congressional elections and politicizing the Federal Elections Commission that enforces campaign finance laws.”


Democrats put the heavy push on this one, only to be thrashed in the Senate. “Democracy is in peril, here, in America,” Joe Biden’s said in an overwrought statement Tuesday. “The right to vote – a sacred right in this country – is under assault with an intensity and an aggressiveness we have not seen in a long time.” True Joe. But it was defeated by the GOP.

Chuck Schumer talked big until he had to eat his words. “Republicans across the country are deliberately targeting all the ways that younger, poorer, nonwhite and typically Democratic voters access the ballot,” Schumer said Tuesday. “Republicans claim they’re making it easier to vote and harder to cheat in an election; but in reality, they are making it harder to vote and easier to cheat an election.”


I am not of fan of Mitch McConnell, but for this win here, I will say thank you.

This doesn’t make up for what I believe Mitch did in 2020…helped get rid of Trump, but right now, if this had passed our goose would’ve been so cooked.


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