Garvan Walshe: We can be sure that those who have been vaccinated won’t die of Covid. So the case for lockdowns is vanishing fast.

Garvan Walshe: We can be sure that those who have been vaccinated won’t die of Covid. So the case for lockdowns is vanishing fast.

Garvan Walshe is a former National and International Security Policy Adviser to the Conservative Party. Having detected three cases of Covid-19, Melbourne has been put into lockdown. The European Centre for Disease Control suggests it might have to be maintained until the summer. Germany is getting increasingly jumpy about new variants, despite never exceeding 300…

Caroline Ffiske: How non-crime hate incidents came into force.  And why they should be reformed – or scrapped altogether.

Caroline Ffiske: How non-crime hate incidents came into force. And why they should be reformed – or scrapped altogether.

Caroline Ffiske is a former adviser to the New Zealand Government and Conservative councillor in Hammersmith & Fulham. Sir William Macpherson, who led the damning report into the Metropolitan Police following the murder of Stephen Lawrence, has died, aged 94. Tributes have poured in for his groundbreaking work in naming and tackling institutional racism. However,…

Rush Limbaugh’s Rare Voice Extolled Individual Liberty and Limited Government

Rush Limbaugh’s Rare Voice Extolled Individual Liberty and Limited Government

It was news that talk radio devotees, among whom I long have counted myself, had been anticipating—make that dreading—for months. But when the news broke Wednesday shortly after noon EST, that didn’t make it any less hurtful. When a Limbaugh came on the radio at the usual time and it was not Rush but instead…

Keith Gill aka “Roaring Kitty” Hit With Lawsuit Ahead of Congressional Testimony

Keith Gill aka “Roaring Kitty” Hit With Lawsuit Ahead of Congressional Testimony

According to a lawsuit filed with the U.S. District Court of Massachusetts, Keith Gill, the Reddit user and YouTube streamer who started the GameStop Corp. (NYSE: GME) short squeeze frenzy, “is no amateur.” Earlier reporting from the Wall Street Journal said that Gill, “recently worked in marketing for Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co.” However, the…

The mass testing ‘blitz’. Cummings’ Operation Moonshot strategy returns.

The mass testing ‘blitz’. Cummings’ Operation Moonshot strategy returns.

Before his dramatic departure from Downing Street, Dominic Cummings had taken the lead on one of the Government’s most ambitious strategies to manage the Coronavirus pandemic; the “Operation Moonshot” mass-swabbing project. This was the Government’s “game-changer” in the Coronavirus wars – particularly at a time when there was uncertainty over whether a vaccine would be…

Sebastian Rees: The NHS will need more private sector help to tackle its post-Covid backlog

Sebastian Rees: The NHS will need more private sector help to tackle its post-Covid backlog

Sebastian Rees is a researcher at Reform. The pandemic has tested the NHS to the extreme, and while healthcare leaders and frontline workers continue their heroic efforts, the system has been found wanting. Last year’s announcement that Public Health England would be scrapped, and last week’s NHS White Paper reflect a desire to rectify perceived…

Ben Everitt MP: The Chancellor must not let a cliff-edge ending ruin the good work of the Stamp Duty holiday

Ben Everitt MP: The Chancellor must not let a cliff-edge ending ruin the good work of the Stamp Duty holiday

Ben Everitt is the MP for Milton Keynes North. Whatever the reason might be for a home move – a new job, downsizing, more room for a growing family – it’s a decision that no one takes lightly. The home moving process is fraught and emotional at the best of times. Families calculate budgets minutely,…