You probably know what a “grifter” is – but in case you don’t, it’s a term used to describe someone who cheats others out of money. Grifters are also known as chiselers, defrauders, gougers, scammers, and swindlers. They take suckers for a ride and get rich doing it. TIRED OF THE ADS? BECOME A PREMIUM […]
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You probably know what a “grifter” is – but in case you don’t, it’s a term used to describe someone who cheats others out of money. Grifters are also known as chiselers, defrauders, gougers, scammers, and swindlers. They take suckers for a ride and get rich doing it.


That perfectly sums up the hucksters at anti-Trump hate group “Project Lincoln.”

This unfortunate group is a collection of bloated middle-aged establishment goobers who lost their job when Trump splashed onto the scene – so, they created this goofy “grfit” that appeals to desperate, low-info boobs on the left. These losers are trying to stay relevant and make their mortgage payments.

There’s a lot of dummies on the left, so these washed-up flim-flam men made a killing off of “Trump hate.”

But the heyday may be over soon because Karma is dishing up a big dose of “GOTCHA” on these puffy charlatans.

A massive and very damning bombshell is unfolding online right now about “Project Lincoln” cofounder John Weaver.

MORE NEWS: Arizona GOP Just Took Sweet Revenge on Cindy McCain

Who is John Waver you might ask? He’s a former McCain and Kasich aide and advisor…I think that tells you all you need to know about what a clown this guy is.

It turns out that Mr. Weaver, a supposedly “happily married man” has a penchant for young guys – and according to victims, he uses his power and influence to prey, hunt, and get sex from these young men.

The bombshell came about as Project Lincoln just announced their new “database” of Trump officials – they want to “track” everyone who supported Trump.

Gee, what’s next, will they drag them into Tienniman Square and run them over with a tank?

Anyway, back to the scandal…

Here’s what reporter Ryan Girdusky said in response to Project Lincoln’s new “database”: “Maybe I should start talking about one of the founding members of the Lincoln Project offering jobs to young men in exchange for sex… his wife is probably interested”

But that’s just half of it. Earlir Don Jr. was going after Weaver; calling him out on the alleged predatory and grooming abuse – that prompted a (Trump-hating) journalist to come forward and share HIS disturbing first-hand account of Weaver trying to “groom” him.

But in addition – as you’ll see when you read his comments below – victims are coming out of the woodwork with disgusting stories about Weaver.

Here’s what he said Scott said:

I don’t want to feed into Don Jr’s nonsense but I do want to tell a story.

I followed John Weaver when I started my Twitter account. We exchanged messages, I sent him my stories, chatted about Russia, etc. He wrote a blurb for my book.

He offered me some sort of “joint venture” which I wasn’t interested in, so I didn’t respond to his calls.

One day, he DM’d me and said he had “advice”. He then proceeded to tell me how “hot” I looked and commented on my profile picture and my hair. He started calling me “my boy”. I found it deeply uncomfortable.

Though we continued to DM every once in a while, the situation left me feeling quite uncomfortable. I brushed it off as one tends to do.

I’m telling this story because I know there are more people who endured this kind of grooming with many more explicit details. As the Lincoln Project continues to grow financially, I felt compelled to share.

Of course, what he said to me pales in comparison to others with whom Weaver communicated and countless others who have experienced much worse from people in power.

The goal here is to hopefully provide some cover for others who were disturbed by Weaver’s advances and might want to speak out. And hopefully, the Lincoln Project does something.

I don’t owe you guys anything but here.

Since posting this thread 25 minutes ago, I’ve gotten multiple DMs of people telling me they experienced this (and worse).

My DMs are open if you want to anonymously tell me your story. I hope people can still understand that some things aren’t about politics.

For those asking why speaking up about this now: There are others, including some who reached out to me in recent days. Many many many many others, some afraid to say anything.

One last point on this before I mute this thread because of hateful comments: Weaver was a top aide to Kasich’s Presidential campaign in 2016. If this behavior extends to that time period (it does), it can be used by anyone as compromising material. It can be dangerous.

And while pushing the “Russia hoax,” it’s fair to note that Weaver had registered as an agent for the Russian government.

“Folks it’s true. Project Lincoln co-founder JOHN WEAVER registered as a foreign agent for Russia lol you can literally find it on the foreign agent register site.”

You can’t make this type of hypocrisy and sludge-infested swindling up.


The Swamp is a cesspool of hate and degeneracy and this is the demonic filth that’s telling you President Trump is a menace to society and an evil person.

The post Karma Just Unleashed “Holy Hell” on Anti-Trump Hate Group “Project Lincoln” appeared first on

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You probably know what a “grifter” is – but in case you don’t, it’s a term used to describe someone who cheats others out of money. Grifters are also known as chiselers, defrauders, gougers, scammers, and swindlers. They take suckers for a ride and get rich doing it.


That perfectly sums up the hucksters at anti-Trump hate group “Project Lincoln.”

This unfortunate group is a collection of bloated middle-aged establishment goobers who lost their job when Trump splashed onto the scene – so, they created this goofy “grfit” that appeals to desperate, low-info boobs on the left. These losers are trying to stay relevant and make their mortgage payments.

There’s a lot of dummies on the left, so these washed-up flim-flam men made a killing off of “Trump hate.”

But the heyday may be over soon because Karma is dishing up a big dose of “GOTCHA” on these puffy charlatans.

A massive and very damning bombshell is unfolding online right now about “Project Lincoln” cofounder John Weaver.

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MORE NEWS: Arizona GOP Just Took Sweet Revenge on Cindy McCain

Who is John Waver you might ask? He’s a former McCain and Kasich aide and advisor…I think that tells you all you need to know about what a clown this guy is.

It turns out that Mr. Weaver, a supposedly “happily married man” has a penchant for young guys – and according to victims, he uses his power and influence to prey, hunt, and get sex from these young men.

The bombshell came about as Project Lincoln just announced their new “database” of Trump officials – they want to “track” everyone who supported Trump.

Gee, what’s next, will they drag them into Tienniman Square and run them over with a tank?

Anyway, back to the scandal…

Here’s what reporter Ryan Girdusky said in response to Project Lincoln’s new “database”: “Maybe I should start talking about one of the founding members of the Lincoln Project offering jobs to young men in exchange for sex… his wife is probably interested”

But that’s just half of it. Earlir Don Jr. was going after Weaver; calling him out on the alleged predatory and grooming abuse – that prompted a (Trump-hating) journalist to come forward and share HIS disturbing first-hand account of Weaver trying to “groom” him.

But in addition – as you’ll see when you read his comments below – victims are coming out of the woodwork with disgusting stories about Weaver.

Here’s what he said Scott said:

I don’t want to feed into Don Jr’s nonsense but I do want to tell a story.

I followed John Weaver when I started my Twitter account. We exchanged messages, I sent him my stories, chatted about Russia, etc. He wrote a blurb for my book.

He offered me some sort of “joint venture” which I wasn’t interested in, so I didn’t respond to his calls.

One day, he DM’d me and said he had “advice”. He then proceeded to tell me how “hot” I looked and commented on my profile picture and my hair. He started calling me “my boy”. I found it deeply uncomfortable.

Though we continued to DM every once in a while, the situation left me feeling quite uncomfortable. I brushed it off as one tends to do.

I’m telling this story because I know there are more people who endured this kind of grooming with many more explicit details. As the Lincoln Project continues to grow financially, I felt compelled to share.

Of course, what he said to me pales in comparison to others with whom Weaver communicated and countless others who have experienced much worse from people in power.

The goal here is to hopefully provide some cover for others who were disturbed by Weaver’s advances and might want to speak out. And hopefully, the Lincoln Project does something.

I don’t owe you guys anything but here.

Since posting this thread 25 minutes ago, I’ve gotten multiple DMs of people telling me they experienced this (and worse).

My DMs are open if you want to anonymously tell me your story. I hope people can still understand that some things aren’t about politics.

For those asking why speaking up about this now: There are others, including some who reached out to me in recent days. Many many many many others, some afraid to say anything.

One last point on this before I mute this thread because of hateful comments: Weaver was a top aide to Kasich’s Presidential campaign in 2016. If this behavior extends to that time period (it does), it can be used by anyone as compromising material. It can be dangerous.

And while pushing the “Russia hoax,” it’s fair to note that Weaver had registered as an agent for the Russian government.

“Folks it’s true. Project Lincoln co-founder JOHN WEAVER registered as a foreign agent for Russia lol you can literally find it on the foreign agent register site.”

You can’t make this type of hypocrisy and sludge-infested swindling up.


The Swamp is a cesspool of hate and degeneracy and this is the demonic filth that’s telling you President Trump is a menace to society and an evil person.

Attn: Wayne Dupree is a free speech champion who works tirelessly to bring you news that the mainstream media ignores. But he needs your support in order to keep delivering quality, independent journalism. You can make a huge impact in the war against fake news by pledging as little as $5 per month. Please click here to help Wayne battle the fake news media.

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