We are excited to get our news and media website going! We are happy that you found us especially since we are not actively promoting our site just yet. We are still getting everything set up so we can start covering local events to Manatee County and provide an alternative voice to the news that better represents it citizens. We are hiring!!! If you are interested in becoming a news or article contributor, please let us know. We are looking for both freelance and staff reporters. I am excited about hiring the right people to report the news in a fresh perspective.
Our app has been submitted to both Apple and Google app stores. It should be available for download shortly. Although our website is mobile friendly, I think the app experience is a much better experience. I think you will agree too.
If you haven’t read why this news site is getting up and running, I hope you will. I have a vision for what a new local news outlet can do for our community and that includes you. A news site is nothing without its local audience or its future supporters. If you have any suggestions, please let me know!
While you are here, please subscribe to get our daily news email. Keep in mind that we are just getting started! I hope you are as excited as I am to bring you a fresh, honest, straightforward local news website!