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President Joe Biden’s Schedule for Wednesday, January 20, 2021

61 VIEWS ShareTweetSubscribe: CDN Daily Briefing President Joe Biden will be sworn-in as president at 12:00 p.m. EST then he will attend a military parade, participate in a wreath-laying ceremony, sign some executive orders, swear-in some appointees, and make an appearance on the Blue Room Balcony. President-elect Biden has a few activities scheduled prior to his swearing-in, but…

Snacklins: A Fun Lesson In Rebranding During Good Times (Just Ask Mark Cuban Or Rachel Ray…)
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Snacklins: A Fun Lesson In Rebranding During Good Times (Just Ask Mark Cuban Or Rachel Ray…)

Snacklins, a small upstart from Rockville, Maryland has created unique product positioning that is allowed it to nearly triple its sales in 2020, In spite of its success it is engaging in sensible rebranding likely to help it grow even further. Originally found on Forbes – Business Read More

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Comey Has A New Opinion Of The Alleged Trump-Russia ‘Pee Tape’

10 SHARES 69 VIEWS ShareTweetSubscribe: CDN Daily Briefing James Comey said in an interview published on Tuesday that he believes it is “more likely” now than when he was fired from the FBI in 2017 that the Kremlin has a blackmail tape of Donald Trump with prostitutes, as is alleged in the infamous Steele dossier. In an interview…

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Three Rioters Face Charges Related To Conspiracy At The Capitol Riot

By Kaylee Greenlee – Federal conspiracy charges were filed against three who allegedly participated at the Capitol riot on Jan. 6, The Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday. Prosecutors allege that the three people, who appear to belong to a militia group, acted in an “organized and practiced fashion” and suggested gassing people who were evacuated…

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U.S. Army Soldier Arrested for Attempting to Assist ISIS to Conduct Deadly Ambush on U.S. Troops

By R. Mitchell – The Justice Department, along with the New York City Police Department (NYPD) and U.S. Army Counterintelligence, announced today the arrest of a private first class in the U.S. Army, on federal terrorism charges based on Bridges’ alleged efforts to assist ISIS to attack and kill U.S. soldiers in the Middle East….

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Political Scientist Was ‘Secret Employee’ Of Iran, US Says

56 VIEWS ShareTweetSubscribe: CDN Daily Briefing A political scientist living in the U.S. has been charged with acting as a ‘secret employee’ of the Iranian government.  Kaveh Lotfolah Afrasiabi is accused of receiving $265,000 in secret payments from Iran since 2007. He also allegedly received health benefits that the Iranian government provides its UN diplomats.  He has published…

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Biden’s stimulus package: Good intentions but not so good results

63 VIEWS ShareTweetSubscribe: CDN Daily Briefing President-elect Joe Biden has proposed another stimulus package. His package totals $1.9 trillion. This is added to the nearly $3 trillion package passed last May and the $900 billion package passed last month. That means the government will have spent nearly $6 trillion to stimulate the economy. Biden says he is not done. Next…