The Democrats and Republicans seem determined to oust Trump, even though he only has 12 days left in office. TIRED OF THE ADS? BECOME A PREMIUM USER TODAY!! Though there’s many who doubt the impeachment will actually come to pass, Matt Gaetz revealed a side of the GOP that many aren’t prepared for. MORE NEWS:
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The Democrats and Republicans seem determined to oust Trump, even though he only has 12 days left in office.


Though there’s many who doubt the impeachment will actually come to pass, Matt Gaetz revealed a side of the GOP that many aren’t prepared for.

MORE NEWS: Karma Just Unleashed “Holy Hell” on Anti-Trump Hate Group “Project Lincoln” 

According to Gaetz, there’s a secret anti-Trump GOP cabal in Congress that’s poised to vote for Trump’s impeachment.

From Biz PAC Review

Naming names of some Republican foes of the president, the congressman who represents the Florida Panhandle area told FNC’s Jesse Watters that “There has secretly been an anti-Trump caucus in the Republican Party in Washington for a while. And I’m concerned that folks like Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger and others might view this as an opportunity.”

In the past, both President Trump and Rep. Gaetz have criticized neocon Wyoming CongresswomanLiz Cheney for championing endless war.

In the aftermath of the chaos at the Capitol, grandstanding Illinois Congressman Kinzinger has publicly supported the invoking of the 25th Amendment to remove President Trump from office.

On Watters’ World, the host described the incumbent POTUS as a crusader for the working class and expressed the belief that the end game for Democrats in impeaching a president on the verge of leaving office is to prevent him from running in 2024 as the standard-bearer of the MAGA movement.

GOP stalwart Gaetz — one of Trump’s most loyal and vocal supporters — offered an alternative theory: Impeachment is the only issue that can unify the radical Democrats and their semi-radical counterparts.


Well you can’t be too surprised by this.

We all knew the corruption runs deep in D.C. and definitely goes much further than just the Democrat party.

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The Democrats and Republicans seem determined to oust Trump, even though he only has 12 days left in office.


Though there’s many who doubt the impeachment will actually come to pass, Matt Gaetz revealed a side of the GOP that many aren’t prepared for.

MORE NEWS: Karma Just Unleashed “Holy Hell” on Anti-Trump Hate Group “Project Lincoln” 

According to Gaetz, there’s a secret anti-Trump GOP cabal in Congress that’s poised to vote for Trump’s impeachment.

From Biz PAC Review

Naming names of some Republican foes of the president, the congressman who represents the Florida Panhandle area told FNC’s Jesse Watters that “There has secretly been an anti-Trump caucus in the Republican Party in Washington for a while. And I’m concerned that folks like Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger and others might view this as an opportunity.”

In the past, both President Trump and Rep. Gaetz have criticized neocon Wyoming CongresswomanLiz Cheney for championing endless war.

In the aftermath of the chaos at the Capitol, grandstanding Illinois Congressman Kinzinger has publicly supported the invoking of the 25th Amendment to remove President Trump from office.

On Watters’ World, the host described the incumbent POTUS as a crusader for the working class and expressed the belief that the end game for Democrats in impeaching a president on the verge of leaving office is to prevent him from running in 2024 as the standard-bearer of the MAGA movement.

GOP stalwart Gaetz — one of Trump’s most loyal and vocal supporters — offered an alternative theory: Impeachment is the only issue that can unify the radical Democrats and their semi-radical counterparts.

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Well you can’t be too surprised by this.

We all knew the corruption runs deep in D.C. and definitely goes much further than just the Democrat party.

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