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The Wall Street Journal recently published an expose on how the Biden White House team and Democrats along with the mainstream media worked together to hide President Biden’s cognitive decline from the American public.
This charade started in the 2020 Presidential campaign when the Biden campaign hid Joe in the basement supposedly to protect him from Covid. The reality was the campaign knew first hand that Biden had slipped cognitively and they could not afford to allow the public to become aware of the issue.
During the 2020 campaign, Jill Biden’s press secretary told a local Iowa reporter that Jill had campaigned in more Iowa counties than her husband. The press secretary’s superiors told him to call the reporter back and downplay the comments because otherwise the reporter could question why Biden was not making more public appearances.
Once Biden was elected, the campaign to hide his cognitive decline began in full force. White House aides told visitors to keep meetings focused. Biden held infrequent meetings with cabinet officers and military leaders.
Meetings in the White House that normally would have been attended by the President were in fact run by White House aides.
The Wall Street Journal expose pointed out that Presidents “always have gatekeepers.” The difference in Biden’s case was that “the walls around him were higher and the controls greater.”
The American public watched White House aides lead Biden around like one would lead a loved one with dementia. Personnel were placed around him to keep him from wandering off course. Numerous times, Americans watched Biden leave a podium and amble around looking for the proper place to exit.
Officially, the decline in Biden’s cognitive ability came to light when the interview with Robert Hur was published. Hur was the special counsel who investigated Biden’s handling of classified documents. Hur refused to prosecute Biden because he said that Biden’s memory issues were very evident and thus it would be difficult for a jury to convict Biden.
Biden was repeatedly hidden from the public while his aides acted as President. This was a major scandal.
The mainstream media refused to report on what was obvious to the public. Nicole Wallace and Joe Scarborough of MSNBC called reports of Biden’s cognitive decline a “right wing hoax.” Democrat leaders attacked anyone who questioned Biden’s health. The Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff, General Milley, told Americans he saw no cognitive decline in Biden. Milley was either lying or so incompetent he should not have been a military leader.
It was only after Kamala’s defeat that some in the media have discussed Biden’s cognitive issues. This is why the public mistrusts the media.
The mainstream media has always had a leftist bias. In spite of this, the media would investigate major issues. The fact that the media refused to report on Biden’s decline will be a major embarrassment for decades.

Bob Spencer
Manatee Herald