To the victor goes the spoils is a timeless political adage. Donald Trump was carried to an overwhelming victory by average Americans who feel real change is needed to fix our country. Trump now has the ability to make monumental changes that will give all Americans a chance at prosperity. He can now take the focus off the elite and instead create pathways for hardworking Americans to experience the fruits of their labor.
Understand, the bureaucracy or deep state will work hard against any change that limits their power. Fortunately, Donald Trump has the help of many in the tech industry that understand the need to reform our government.
Remember how Elon Musk took over Twitter or X and let 75% of the workforce leave. Many predicted that X would fail but the opposite occurred. X has far more user interactions today with 25% of the employees they once had. Many of the tech industry leaders, some Republican and some Democrat, have expressed their desire to help reform the federal bureaucracy. This could be monumental.
A few suggestions: Reform the FBI, CIA, Secret Service and the Defense Department. Over the past 4 years, these departments have promoted left leaning bureaucrats to positions of authority. They have taken their focus off their primary responsibility and have focused on DEI and social issues like gender politics and global warming. These bureaucrats need to be reassigned to parking lot security.
Another area of reform should be in the Education Department. Trump was elected with the overwhelming support of Americans who work hard and many who don’t have a college degree. The education establishment needs to have the focus shift to assisting Americans who need vocational training. This focus would help Americans have a pathway to better earnings and help them realize the American dream.
For too long the Education Department has pumped money into elite institutions that hire leftist professors and administrators that hate everything that made this country great. Taxpayers don’t need to pay the salaries of DEI administrators who teach our children about the evils of America.
Trump should also start moving federal employees out of Washington DC into the heartland. Put the bureaucrats back among the taxpayers and maybe they will stop producing more regulations. He should also force the bureaucrats to return to their offices. These workers are refusing to return to the office and no one is forcing them to return.
Trump has a unique opportunity to change the country for the better. All Americans should support this effort.

Bob Spencer
Manatee Herald