We continue to see the results of the elites in Europe insisting that open borders are beneficial. Several days ago an Israeli soccer team was playing a match in Amsterdam against a Dutch team. Many Israeli fans traveled to Amsterdam to watch the match.
Israeli fans became the victims of an Arab pogrom as they were hunted down in the streets and beaten. Law enforcement agencies said that surveillance cameras revealed Arabs spotting and stalking Jewish fans before the attacks. Decades ago, the Dutch began allowing immigrants from the Middle East. It was assumed that the immigrants would assimilate to the Dutch community. This was a fatal decision that has come back to haunt the Dutch.
Today, the Arabs have not assimilated and many feel that they are not obligated to follow Dutch law. There are Arab neighborhoods that Dutch police avoid. Many Dutch women feel unsafe walking the streets. It seems the Arabs brought their hatred of Jews with them to Amsterdam. This is very unsettling for the Dutch because of their past cooperation with the Nazis in World War II.
This heinous incident is indicative of the inability of some Arabs to leave their hatred of Jews behind them when they emigrate to European countries. For years authorities were able to keep these groups in check but now they have reached a tipping point and the public is taking notice.
In our country we have observed violence directed at Jewish Americans by immigrants from the Middle East. Under the Biden administration, these crimes were not prosecuted in a vigorous manner. Hopefully, President Trump will make it clear to these thugs that racial violence is not tolerated in the United States. We should also slow the immigration process from the Middle East until we can assure our citizens that racists and bigots are not being given entrée to our country.

Bob Spencer
Manatee Herald