Kamala and Tim Walz are proud that Minnesota has become a state that is a “trans refuge” for children. Young children have their bodies horribly mutilated for life so Kamala and Walz can claim they are “woke.”

It is sad that many members of the medical industry are performing “Mengele-like” operations on children in order to improve their financial bottom line. Josef Mengele was the Nazi doctor in World War II who conducted experimental operations on Jews and other prisoners. Mengele did this for ideological reasons while today, “woke” medical institutions are doing these transgender surgeries for financial gain.

Stanley Goldfarb  and Roy Eappen of the Do No Harm organization did a study on the transgender medical interactions with children. What they uncovered is astounding but not surprising.

Of the healthcare systems that reported data on transgender interventions on minors between 2019 and 2023, there were 14,000 treatments of which 5700 were surgeries. They were able to uncover that the total cost to insurance companies and the taxpayers during this time period was $120 million. Some major companies do not report their data so the actual numbers are much higher. 

According to Goldfarb, the average transgender intervention makes more than $8500 for medical providers. This is usually just for one day of treatment. Because there are so many complications from transgender surgeries, there are additional extensive medical bills that benefit the providers. 

This is a financial boon to the medical groups that perform the transgender interventions. The Children’s Hospital of Los Angeles has billed $1.5 million over the past four years. According to National Review, there are estimates that the transgender industry will generate $5 billion in revenue by 2030.

As we reported earlier, many European countries have investigated the instances of transgender interventions on children and determined that the risks to children outweigh the benefits. 

It is a shame that so many American medical organizations have abandoned the medical oath: “First Do No Harm.”

Years from now, many will look back on the medical providers who perform transgender surgeries on children and compare them to Josef Mengele. It will be noted that the Democrat Party, which fought against civil rights for blacks also allowed young children to be “guinea pigs” for “woke” surgeons who were trying to get rich from at the expense of young children.

Bob Spencer
Manatee Herald

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