We have often discussed how inept the Democrats are at running our government. The Biden Administration never disappoints in their ability to elevate the concerns of big corporations ahead of the needs of Americans who live in rural areas. 

The Wall Street Journal recently reported on the “Broadband Fiasco” that Kamala has helped unleash on unsuspecting Americans. The 2021 Infrastructure law provided that $42 billion be used for states to expand broadband coverage to rural underserved areas of America. Not surprisingly, nearly 3 years later and no project has broken ground using these funds. 

Over and over we see evidence of the Democrat’s inability to deliver services to taxpayers. This time you can blame the political regulations that Joe and Kamala have forced on the states. You would think that the goal would be to get the broadband services to these areas as efficiently as possible. Not so. You are thinking like a business person not like a college professor. 

Kamala and Joe have insisted that the services be offered at such low prices that the providers that operate in these areas cannot do it and remain profitable. As a result, the operators that could provide the services refuse to participate.  This allows huge corporations to come in and win the contracts and then they are refusing to provide the services in a timely manner. 

The one corporation that could provide the broadband service in a low cost manner is Elon Musk with his Starlink Corporation. The Kamala leftists made sure to exclude Elon Musk and Starlink from receiving these funds. It  was not about helping Americans, it was about giving contracts to huge corporations that go along with the Kamala agenda. 

Part of her agenda was requiring anyone who receives the government funds to show how they would use LGBTQI+ workers on the project. States receiving these funds are required to identify “climate risk” and “how their proposed plan will avoid or mitigate” these risks.

Congress approved funds for rural America but Kamala made sure the regulations would prevent hard working Americans from getting the broadband service. 

Democrats are great at teaching your kids about “Peaceful Hamas” and how green ecology will save the world. Democrats are completely inept at running our government. 

Bob Spencer
Manatee Herald

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