This past Friday, there were 130 power outages in Los Angeles. Welcome to life in the Soviet Republic of Kalifornia. Democrats have controlled the energy policy in California for 30 years and it has been an abysmal failure. In spite of this colossal screw up, Kamala wants to bring this energy policy to America.

The Port of LA, which handles 16% of America’s seaborne cargo, is experiencing power outages. This is what you would expect in a 3rd world country. As more people are plugging into the power grid, this problem is going to get worse.
Only a Democrat could see the good in requiring the Port of LA to have zero emissions by 2030. For the Manatee Democrats, I am going to write slowly. California is not generating enough power for its current customers, yet it is mandating that more businesses get rid of fuel based equipment to switch to electric motors. It is the equivalent of requiring homeowners to pump more water for their lawns during a drought.
By forcing the state’s power companies to use less efficient renewable power, the state is falling further behind. By forcing the energy producers to invest more money in renewable energy, the state has, in effect, forced the energy producers to forgo investing money into upgrading the power grid. As a result, there are constant blackouts in the state.
According to the Wall Street Journal, residential power rates have increased 11% annually and 130% over the past decade. In practice the citizens of California are paying more for less service. California also forces the general public to subsidize the affluent people who have solar panels. The annual subsidy for Pacific Gas and Electric’s solar customers is $6.5 billion.
The Democrats of California are forcing taxpayers to pay more for energy with poorer service while subsidizing the wealthy. No wonder so many working class citizens are leaving the Democrat Party.
It is interesting that the high tax, high regulation states like California are experiencing a brain drain. Smart Asset used IRS data to study the net migration of young households that earned at least $200,000 per year. Using the ages 26-35, California and Illinois were the biggest losers by far. It is incomprehensible that these high tax states do not attempt to change their taxing and spending habits.
As the high income households leave these states, the middle class taxpayers will be forced to pick up the slack so these states can keep forcing “green mandates” on their citizens.
No wonder the super wealthy like George Clooney love California and Kamala. Hopefully, they don’t force her on America.

Bob Spencer
Manatee Herald