After years of denying their participation in censoring social media regarding Covid-19, the Biden administration has been exposed by Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg. Zuckerberg told a congressional committee that the “government pressure was  wrong.” He was referring to the pressure that Biden and the democrats put on social media companies to censor anyone who questioned the Democrat line on the government response to Covid.

Zuckerberg told a congressional committee that the “government pressure was  wrong.”

Zuckerberg stated; “I regret that we were not more outspoken about it. I also think we made some choices that, with the benefit of hindsight and new information, we wouldn’t make today.”

The Democrats and Biden had no sympathy with “free speech” during the Covid years. Many eminent scientists were blackballed by Facebook because their views on Covid did not fall in line with the Democrat propaganda. 

Of course, most of the Democrat talking points on Covid turned out to be wrong. The Democrats said Covid would kill many young children and schools should be closed. You can count on one hand the number of children who died from Covid. 

The Democrats said emphatically that anyone who received the vaccine would not get Covid. What a joke that was. Yet, at the time, anyone who questioned the efficacy of the vaccine was censored by Facebook.

This is just another reason our Founding Fathers were so wise to engrain “freedom of speech” in our founding documents. The Founding Fathers had experienced the falsehoods that flow so easily out of the mouths of government officials. 

We as a country must protect our right to freedom of speech. Around the world we are witnessing governments that use force or the threat of legal action to censor their citizens when they speak the truth. 

Unfortunately, the Democrats are determined to chip away at our freedom of speech. They hate the fact that Elon Musk has allowed all viewpoints to be presented on X.

Think about what we have learned about because Musk allowed freedom of speech on X. We learned about young migrant children that the Democrats are allowing in our country who are being used for child labor around our country. We learned that the Southern Border with Mexico was an open border. We learned that the Democrats and journalists vouching for Biden’s competence were lying to the public. We learned about physicians  in America who are giving young children drugs that alter their gender. We learned about the Covid lab leak in China. We learned that Hunter Biden’s laptop was genuine.

All of this would have been censored before Musk took over X.

We also realize that with freedom of speech, we will hear some untruths. Here in Manatee County we have seen untruths spread on social media. Several people went on social media and implied that county employees acted nefariously (for our Democrat readers that means with evil intent) when water was released from the Manatee County Dam. Of course these mental midgets have never had to make serious decisions dealing with a dam after 21 inches of rain. 

That is the beauty of freedom of speech. We all bear responsibility for researching and fact checking what we hear. That is what makes America so special.

Bob Spencer
Manatee Herald

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