The Democratic convention began with Chicago mayor Brandon Johnson addressing the crowd. Johnson has been in office less than a year and appears to be working hard to win the title of “Most Incompetent Mayor” in the history of Chicago. With Chicago’s sordid history, that is quite an accomplishment. 

After his election as Mayor last fall, Johnson was giving an interview with the Economic Club of Chicago. He was asked what grade he would give the Chicago Public School (CPS) system. He answered; “I personally don’t give a lot of attention to grades…My responsibility is to fund the system.”

What a perfect quote that sums up the abysmal failure of Chicago’s public schools. The CPS spends $30,000 per student per year on each student. Since 2012, reading and math scores have declined 63% and 78% respectively. 

As an example of their incompetence, one of the public schools serves just 35 students in a building that was built for 900 students. In spite of this imbalance, the school will increase its full-time staff from 23 to 32 positions.

Negotiations are currently underway on a new contract for the teachers. Mayor Johnson is attempting to fire the CPS CEO, Pedro Martinez. Martinez has made the point that the demands of the teachers union would bankrupt the school system. Martinez refused to take out the equivalent of a payday loan for $300 million to fund the school system deficit. Because Martinez showed some concept of financial acumen, Mayor Johnson wants to fire him.

Crime is rampant in Chicago but Johnson ordered the Board of Education to get rid of all the police officers in the schools.

Mayor Johnson is the equivalent of the Captain of the Titanic. He is leading Chicago into an economic abyss because, just like Kamala Harris, he is unqualified for the office. 

It is a shame that Chicago is such an economic failure. The City has continued to elect Democrats that don’t understand finances and who only want to enrich themselves.

We Don’t need RINO’s or Democrats-in-disguise running the Republican party. We shouldn’t be supporting candidates who state their preferred pronouns in their bio. We shouldn’t be supporting candidates who donated to Democrats. We shouldn’t be supporting candidates who solicit Democrats to switch parties to vote for them in our Republican party. We shouldn’t be supporting candidates who switch parties just to win Republican Manatee County. We shouldn’t be supporting candidates who don’t believe in the right to life. We shouldn’t be supporting candidates who can’t commit to school choice. We shouldn’t be supporting candidates who think every problem will be resolved with more an bigger government.

I look forward to when the REC returns to being a pro-business, and pro-family organization. as someone once said. Until then, I don’t want to be affiliated with this group that can’t be loyal Conservative Republicans”

Steve Vernon –

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