Saturday was a milestone event in American politics. For the past eight years, leftist Democrats and some Republicans have convinced themselves that Donald Trump was the 21st century equivalent to Adolph Hitler. Once they convinced themselves that Trump equaled Hitler, they believed that any tactic employed in defeating Trump was acceptable.
We have heard historians argue that it would have been morally acceptable for a German to assassinate Hitler since it would have saved innocent lives. Today, many Democrats have used this reasoning to viciously attack Donald Trump. Some have referred to this mental sickness as the Trump Derangement Syndrome.
The mainstream media used this reasoning to throw off the shackles of objectivity when reporting on Trump. Anything Trump supported must be evil and the mainstream media piled on.
Democrat politicians joined by some moderate Republicans joined the Trump Derangement Syndrome Society. The Democrats and the FBI manufactured the Russia hoax to damage Trump politically. They accused Trump of putting illegal immigrant children in cages. They accused border agents of whipping illegal immigrants. The lies they perpetrated are too many to list but they cared less about honesty since they convinced themselves they were stopping Hitler.
The irony of the Democrat’s actions was their move from democracy to racism when they worked behind the scenes to prevent Bernie Sanders from winning the Democrat Presidential nomination in 2020. The Democrat power brokers were so convinced that Bernie Sanders would lose to Donald Trump that they forced all the other Democrats out of the race and handed the nomination to Biden.
When Biden won the election, the Democrats realized they had won a Pyrrhic victory because it turned out that Biden was cognitively challenged. These “champions of democracy “ continued to fool the voters and the nation by insisting that Biden was mentally fit.
The debate last month revealed to the world that the Democrats and the mainstream media had been lying to them by hiding Biden’s true condition. The Democrats and the media turned back to their racism roots by attempting to oust Biden for another candidate.
During the entire four years of the Biden Presidency, the Democrats and media have ruthlessly attacked Trump. They began to use the court system as a tool to attack Trump. When Trump’s popularity continued to grow the Democrat attacks against him grew more vitriolic.
Trump’s resilience during the assassination attempt has convinced many Americans that he may be a better alternative to a declining Biden who has ceded control of his administration to leftists. Many Americans don’t agree with Trump on everything but they don’t endorse the concerted efforts of the Democrats and the press to demonize him.
Let’s observe if the Democrats will accept the will of the people.

Bob Spencer
Manatee Herald