Another liberal Democrat controlled state has begun pushing back against the George Soros decriminalization agenda. Oregon followed along with the Soros agenda in 2020 when they made drug possession a misdemeanor. Users, if caught with methamphetamines and heroin received at most a $100 fine. 

Surprise, surprise, opioid overdoses that resulted in death rose from 280 to 628. Open-air drug use increased in the state. The public saw the results and began to express their displeasure. The hardcore Democrats who supported the push for decriminalization began to run for cover as the public became irritated with their leftist agenda.

Of course, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is opposed to ending the social experiment of allowing drug users off easy. This is a perfect example of our education establishment being controlled by leftists who teach gullible young people that drug users just need love and easy access to more illegal drugs. 

The Oregon public has seen the results of these ridiculous policies. The Democrat controlled legislature and bureaucracy would not give funding to drug treatment centers that required sobriety for housing. These brainwashed people believe that you treat drug use by not forcing people to quit using drugs.

The new law that just passed allows courts and police to use the threat of penalties to force users to get help.

Never forget that these ridiculous laws that stop police from arresting criminals and drug users are enacted by Democrats. This is the same way the Democrats want to govern Florida if they win elections.

In Florida, we are witnessing Democrats hide their true colors by switching their party affiliation to Republican in order to get elected. Manatee County has examples of Democrats from up north who switched to Republican when they arrived here so they could run for county offices.

Florida and Manatee County have thrived because we have not allowed the Democrats to gain power. We must be vigilant to keep the Democrats from regaining power and enacting their leftist agenda.

Bob Spencer
Manatee Herald

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