If one needs an example of facism in higher education, look back at the Lia Thomas farce that the NCAA and college Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) “experts” foisted on the American public.
Lia Thomas is an American male athlete swimmer at the University of Pennsylvania. Lia Thomas began transitioning to a “woman” by taking hormone replacement therapy. Lia Thomas still had a penis and still dated women.
Thomas demanded that he should be allowed to swim on the women’s swim team at Penn. Thomas stands 6 feet 4 inches tall and has a bulge in his shorts and he towered over the female swimmers. (women without penisis, for our Democrat readers)
Of course the female swimmers began objecting to a man with a penis taking first place in the women’s swim competitions. This is when the Democrats and their DEI Nazis stepped up to screw the female swimmers.
The university DEI experts told the female college students that if they protested against a male swimmer competing with them and using their locker rooms there would be serious consequences. These Democrat fascists told these young women that they would be ostracized and would not find employment if they spoke out against men with penises competing against women. Riley Gaines, a University of Kentucky woman swimmer said: “They told us we would not get accepted into grad schools and we would be unhireable because employers would know we were transphobic.” Riley Gaines stood up to the Democrats and protested against this farce.
When the University of Pennsylvania female swimmers protested against men with penises in the women’s locker room, the DEI “experts” told the women that they obviously had a problem with male genitalia and they should get counseling to reeducate themselves.
ESPN joined in this charade by rewarding and honoring this man with a penis who was competing against women. They tried to say the women swimmers were the problem when the public realizes that Lia Thomas obviously has mental problems that cause him to enjoy beating up on women.
Universities have given power to leftist DEI administrators who have continued to force these ridiculous outcomes on the public. The Democrats know their racist and misogynist policies are unpopular with the public. That is the reason they attempt to threaten anyone who would expose their ridiculous ideas.
Throughout history we have seen despots attempt to reeducate people. Pol Pot sent millions of Cambodians to reeducation work camps to teach them that his form of communism was good. Many people died in this reeducation effort. Chairman Mao sent millions of Chinese to reeducation camps to “help” them understand the evils of capitalism.
Today in America, the Democrats want to reeducate our children about their gender roles. They want to teach them that a man with a penis has a right to go in the ladies bathrooms. They do not want anyone to protest or reveal to the public what they are teaching.
Riley Gaines spoke up and the Democrats have attacked her in a vicious manner. She was recently held as a prisoner at the University of San Francisco by protesters who did not want Gaines to speak. The university officials actually paid off the protesters who demanded money and they refused to release the video tapes that would have shown who the culprits were.
Fortunately, in Florida, Governor DeSantis has orchestrated the defunding of all DEI jobs in the Florida University system. He will not allow taxpayers to pay for state employees to discriminate against students on the basis of race, gender or sex. The American public needs to wake up and push back against these ridiculous ideas.

Bob Spencer
Manatee Herald