The most infamous line in history is: “I’m from the government and I am here to help you.” History has shown us that government aid often leads to dependency and economic instability. The worst part of the equation is the inability to trust government information.
Those of us over 60 can remember the US government explaining that the war in Vietnam was being won. After losing 50,000 young men and many more Vietnamese, we realized that we had been fed misinformation.
We were also told that government financial aid would eliminate poverty. Today we find a whole strata of our society that is hooked on federal aid and unable to provide for their families.
We were told there were weapons of mass destruction (WMD’s) in Iraq and we invaded a country. We never found the cache of weapons but many young men lost their lives and others were maimed and some continue to deal with emotional issues resulting from the war.
This past week one government department was forced to admit what most had suspected several years ago. The Department of Energy concluded that the COVID pandemic likely resulted from a laboratory leak.
For several years the mainstream media and government agencies worked hand-in-hand to discredit anyone who voiced the opinion that the covid virus likely originated from a laboratory in China. The government and media branded such people as conspiracy theorists or racists.
Many late night talk show hosts joined the government-media orgy and mocked anyone who questioned whether a laboratory leak was the likely culprit as the origin of COVID. (Many now have realized the average IQ of late show hosts is comparable to the late Yogi Berra.)
Why were so many people so quick to believe anything the government published? Years ago the mainstream media fought back against government information. Why did the media not question why the FBI was joining the fight against people who espoused the lab leak theory.
Many Democrats attempted to censor anyone who disagreed with the “natural occurring theory” as the origin of COVID. Why were these politicians urging social media companies to censor people who questioned the government’s party line? Why would so many prominent organizations rule out an obvious possibility as the origin of the virus?
Intelligent people usually examine all options before reaching a conclusion when they are studying a problem. When they refuse to study all options, they are exposing themselves as dishonest people.
Only a dishonest person would rule out the lab leak as a possibility when studying the origin of Covid-19. If so many government officials and members of the mainstream media are dishonest, is it any wonder so many are skeptical at their pronouncements.
We warn our children that it can take years to overcome a reputation for dishonesty. Our government and media should begin the slow work of exposing those who misled the American public about the origins of Covid-19.

Bob Spencer
Manatee Herald