Thank you Chase Doak, a former photographer for the Billings Gazette, in Montana.

Without Doak, the American public may have never even been aware that a Chinese spy balloon was meandering across the United States.

Biden certainly proved that he had no intention of letting us know, and that he had no intention of doing anything about it.

Now I’m no spy expert, so I have no idea what this balloon was capable of capturing beyond the abilities of Chinese spy satellites, but we’ll find out soon enough, and for now, it’s not even the point.

The point is that Doak’s photo of the balloon proved how much this president lies, exposed another layer of weakness and brings to light the lingering question of just how compromised is Joe Biden to the Chinese government?

Biden, this weekend, finally said something about the balloon, taking credit for bringing it down. Biden told the American people that he gave the order on Wednesday.

Well that is when Doak’s photo made the spy balloon public and it had already been violating American airspace for a number of days when it floated over Alaska.

The U.S. had ample opportunity to shoot it down over Alaska and where is Canada in all this since it floated down over a big chunk of their country to get to the continental U.S.? 

Why did Canada just let it float down and did the U.S. even bother to tell them it was a spy balloon?

Things that make me go, “Hmmm,” Alex, for $200.

Biden only gave the order after the photo went public. And with Biden’s own admission, his order to shoot it down was deferred by this woke and weak Pentagon leadership to wait until it couldn’t hurt anyone on the ground.

This decision was made while the balloon was still over Montana. Have any of these folks even been to Montana? I was blessed to work for a couple of years between Montana and Wyoming.

I’m here to tell you that there is ample opportunity to shoot something out of the sky without hurting people or property. It’s beautiful with wide open spaces.

When I coached traveling baseball in Wyoming, we had to drive for hours to play the next town. Montana is no different.

So Biden and his politician generals just sat back and let the balloon send what I’m assuming is live data back to the Chinese government, and chose only to shoot it down when the balloon had completed its mission over the U.S.

Basically – and this is rude so feel free to skip this paragraph – it’s like we’re the girlfriend of China and it orgasmed before we did.

Sorry, it’s the best analogy that came to mind. China finished and we’re left frustrated – again.

It would not surprise me at all if Biden knew about it ahead of time. He probably coordinated it with the Chinese because let’s face it, a balloon in the sky might get someone’s attention, but no one’s first thought would be, “Hey, that’s a Chinese spy balloon.”

China would have known our government would know, however, so either they did it because they told our government to allow it, or our government had every intention to lie to us because they know just how weak they are.

Or both, perhaps.

So, according to the president, he gave the order to shoot it down only after he spent days turning his back on reporters who were asking him about it. He gave the order days after it had violated our air space. And, he says he “gave an order,” but deferred that order because the balloon might hit a Montana cow on the way down.

So let’s see where we are as the doomsday clock in America hits 11:59 p.m.

  1. China is in control of every major ingredient in our pharmaceuticals because we let it happen. If they decided to stop importing it, hundreds of thousands of Americans would die.
  2. China was allowed to take control of virtually every last kobalt and mineral mine that is essential to manufacture chips we use in our military guidance systems.
  3. China released a practice virus that killed millions and yet democrats have refused to allow a single congressional hearing on the origin of COVID.
  4. Biden is pushing a green energy deal that will make China the richest country in the world because they control the manufacturing of solar panels, as well as the kobalt needed for the high-priced electric vehicle batteries.
  5. The Biden family has financially benefited from the Chinese government, as well as Russia of course.
  6. The Chinese have bought up thousands of acres of farmland in the U.S., with the majority of those acres near U.S. military installations.
  7. Biden sold the Chinese tens of thousands of gallons of oil out of our strategic reserve, which is at a record low and now must be refilled by buying much dirtier oil from hostile foreign governments at a much higher price.
  8. Democrats allowed a democrat congressman to remain on the intelligence committee for three years after said congressman was caught dating a Chinese spy.
  9. China owns the majority of the U.S. debt. If they ever called that loan, the U.S. dollar would be worthless.

The last time we visited, I emphasized the importance of history and learning from it.

We now stand in the same shadow of WWII when American politicians and commanders ignored all of the warning signs of what would become an attack on Pearl Harbor.

American leadership simply didn’t believe Japan would attack. Just like today’s episode of idiots in charge who believe China won’t attack.

American leadership knew the Japanese were planning an attack and Pearl Harbor was warned to stay on alert. So what happened?

One idiot commander ordered all of our land based aircraft to be parked close together on the center of the runway. Another idiot commander ignored the sinking of a Japanese mini sub a day prior to the attack and then ignored incoming Japanese airplanes lighting up the radar.

If you learn nothing from me through this journey, learn this one simple fact: If you assume our “leaders” can’t be idiots just because they hold a position of power, you are dead wrong.

American history is full of idiot commanders and honestly, how we have survived them is beyond my comprehension. I just like to think it’s a God thing, but unfortunately, a lot of good men and women have died – and will die – under this kind of leadership we have today.

Biden and this ridiculous military leadership who is bending the knee to both China and the woke mob are going to get us killed.

Well, well not us per say, but the millions of Americans who live in their bubbles and see the world through rose colored glasses.

As for me, and I’m sure most of you, I’m well armed, well stocked and always prepared for that string that holds society together to be cut.

Bend the knee to dictators, and show a single ounce of weakness and they exploit it to the fullest. It’s not just American history, it’s human history from the time human history began with the cavemen and Neanderthals.

You know. The Neanderthals who were exterminated by warring caveman clans because they could and it was their nature. And it’s still our nature.

Humans are warring species. It’s in our DNA to kill, conquer and control. Someone eventually can no longer control that desire and then people die. If it’s not in their DNA, then they are usually the victims because they believed it could never happen to them.

It happens dozens and hundreds of times every single day right here in America with assaults, murders, rapes, and robberies. How anyone can believe that this same thug mentality doesn’t exist in a single man in charge of an army and an arsenal is beyond my understanding.

I know some who come across this piece of truth will think I’m crazy. They will tell their friends, “Oh, this guy is a lunatic. That could never happen. China would never attack America.”

Well, those are the same people who believed that about Japan as their fleet was heading to Hawaii. They are the same people who say, “I don’t believe my neighbor shot his wife and children. He was a nice guy.”

No, your neighbor slaughtered his family and a maniacal leader with an army can and will attack when the opportunity presents itself.

That opportunity has always been ripe when democrats are in control. It’s why Iran took hostages when Jimmy Carter was in office and it’s why China is flexing its muscle while Biden is in charge.

The more you back away from a bully, the faster he comes at you. This is a fact of the very flawed human condition. This is a historical fact, it is a fact today and it will be a fact tomorrow.

We live in dangerous times my fellow Patriots. If you haven’t remained vigilant and informed, then you are not prepared for the very real possibility of what could come our way.

So stay vigilant, be informed and be prepared. It’s always good to hope for the best, but if you are a Patriot, then you always prepare for the worst.

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