Governor DeSantis understands that our state and nation are at a significant crossroads. Young graduates from leftist universities have entered the education field and they are attempting to indoctrinate our children with pseudo-intellectual chicken crap in order to convert them into shills for their leftist causes.
Over and over we have seen evidence of these attempts to hijack our youth by these education Nazis.
Recently, Governor DeSantis exposed an AP African American Studies course that was less about education and more about liberal bias. Some of the planks in the proposed lesson called for defunding the police, abolishment of all money bail and the abolishment of pretrial detention. The course appears to be pushing for a move away from a market economy and a shift towards socialism and universal basic income

The key author recently tweeted “there is literally nothing left to write about police abuse and violence. Abolish the police.” The curriculum is so one-sided that it would work well in the Iranian or Russian school systems. This is not a one-off incident. Again and again, American parents of school children are finding curriculum in schools that appears to be written in China.
Just as cockroaches scurry for cover when the light is turned on, so do leftists scurry for the cover of their ivory tower leftist universities whenever anyone publicizes what they are teaching our youth. They scream that DeSantis is trying to return us to the dark ages.
If these leftists are so worried about what DeSantis is doing, let them finance their own private schools where they can teach this garbage to anyone who wishes to pay to indoctrinate their children. Don’t wait for that to happen. They want the taxpayers to fund their radical curriculum and they want the taxpayers to have no say in what they teach.
That little leftist teacher with 3 nose rings knows better than the parents about what the students need to be taught. “Shut up and pay your education taxes.”
When these leftists are confronted with evidence of what they are teaching our children, they immediately start screaming about book burnings and nazis. The reality is these leftists don’t burn books, they just cancel out any conservative viewpoints from entering our classrooms.
Hopefully, the conservative members of the Manatee County School Board will ignore the RINO and Democrat board members and prevent this garbage from being taught in our schools. It is a shame our local education establishment is not vigilant about what is being taught in our schools. We all owe Governor DeSantis a big thank you for standing in the gap and taking the leftist attacks for doing what is right.

Bob Spencer
Manatee Herald