Tales from the Mark Side: The Conservative Voice in Manatee County
What do baby formula and the term ‘ultra maga’ have in common?
By Mark Young
Six months.
That’s what baby formula and the term “ultra maga” have in common and boy oh boy this is going to be both hilarious and infuriating. So buckle up buttercups because … here … we … go.
Since last we talked about Biden and the dumbocrats began jumping in front of television cameras to use the term “ultra MAGA ” as an insult, we have found out that the left spent six months polling that phrase to determine if it would be an effective attack phrase.
Don’t worry about inflation, babies starving, a supply chain disaster, a southern border crisis, etc., etc. Democrats have instead focused on coming up with a term that would put us silly ol’ Americans in our place.
If ever I wanted to be a fly on the wall, it would be during that process.
Did they wire up a bunch of triggered liberals and start shouting out phrases to gauge the most terrifying reaction?
What were some of the other terms they came up with over a six-month period that they decided was worse than “ultra MAGA?”
Please, oh please … inquiring minds must know.
Can you envision what this must have looked like in person? I can just see the flock of liberals all wired up as democrat “strategists” shouted out phrases like, “Extra maga!”
“That only registered a slight reaction,” one head liberal strategist says to the other.
“Super MAGA!” “Dirty MAGA!” “Scary MAGA!” “Diva MAGA!” “Super-sized MAGA!” “Double-headed monster MAGA!”
Ok, that last one even made me laugh picturing it. But noooooo, it was screaming, “Ultra MAGA,” that triggered the room full of liberals.
“Eureka!” yells a joyous democrat. “We have it! Let’s get our army of zombies out there on TV!”
And Biden, of course, took it one step further by referring to President Donald Trump as the, “great MAGA king.”
Ohhhh lordyyyy, did that backfire. I’m sure you saw Trump’s post on Truth Social and in the meantime Conservatives have gladly embraced ultra MAGA as our own battle cry.
Epic fail liberals. Epic fail. Have you noticed that liberals have scaled back on using that term?
Now we hear that these same democrats have been working on the baby formula shortage for six months, hence the six-month theme here.
This, unfortunately, is not funny and very typical of the incompetence sinking this administration faster than CNN ratings.
I’m sure you all have heard about the CNN Plus disaster. They spent some $300 million to try and catch up to the success of Fox Nation, even hiring away that idiot Chris Wallace only to tank in their first few weeks.
Too bad, so sad.
But getting back to the formula situation, there are some double standards in what the White House is saying. This new press secretary laughed it off, as democrats always do about serious things that affect American families. She said she had no idea what the reporter was asking about
Not a day later, Jen Psaki clarifies it and says the White House has been working on the formula shortage for six months.
“Take it very seriously,” Psaki said. “Doing everything in our power to resolve this problem.” Blah, blah, blah.
Except the formula shortage is only about a month old now. So which is it?
If you knew about the impending shortage six months ago, it’s another major failure for the White House because they didn’t stop it.
What they did do, is shut down a formula plant that provides some 80% of a specific product consumed by American babies. The plant was shut down after two infants sadly died, but every investigation into that tragedy shows that the plant had nothing to do with it.
But the White House has done nothing to get that plant reopened.
Biden, just last week, finally showed he was aware of the shortage and had a phone call with retailers. How nice. What the hell good does that do?
Retailers don’t make the product. And it was a double-secret meeting apparently out of sight of the media. Probably a good thing for Biden because the retailers were probably asking this buffoon what the hell were they supposed to do about it.
It seems like every time we have our visit, I have to say the same thing: You just can’t make this stuff up.
So apparently, democrats have been too busy over the last six months to come up with, “ultra MAGA,” instead of doing something about the baby formula shortage that they allegedly knew about six months ago?
Doesn’t make sense, but nothing about Biden and his band of circus clowns does.
Have you actually ever seen someone who can’t walk and chew gum at the same time? Well he’s your 46th president of the United States.
So the only plan I’ve heard so far is to reach out to foreign countries for baby formula – you know, the same thing we are doing for oil.
They even said they would consider formula from China – you know, the country that gave us a worldwide pandemic and are killing Americans by the thousands by selling fentanyl to the drug cartels.
So that will put baby formula back into the supply chain, which is already in crisis. Has anyone seen Pete Buttigieg lately?
Is he still breastfeeding? Or is the DNC grooming him to run for president so they have him hidden in a basement somewhere?
What are these people doing? This goes beyond bad politics. It even goes beyond dumb politics. These people are insane.
As always my fellow Patriots, stay vigilant, stay aware and keep up the good fight.