Tales from the Mark Side: The Conservative Voice in Manatee County

NY Times finally admits Hunter Biden’s laptop is real. Here’s what that really means

By Mark Young


Breaking news: NY times admits Hunter Biden’s laptop is real.

Breaking news: Duh.

Breaking news: Admitting a story that was originally published 17 months ago prior to the 2020 election is real – which could have impacted the election results – is not breaking news.

The only breaking news in all of this is that the Times is admitting that President Donald Trump’s claims that the 2020 election was “rigged,” is true. While the Times story is finally legitimate and advances the troubles Hunter Biden has caused with cooperation from his father, making the admission about the 2020 election is not their intent.

But they are making that admission anyway whether they want to or not.

There are documented cases of actual election fraud and shady actions taken by democrat poll workers, but the sad truth is that we’ll never really know if the fraud was enough to affect the total numbers. It’s just too hard to prove.

However, we know without a doubt that the election was rigged by democrats and their dirty little political games saturated in lies.

So the NY Times story is an admission of something common sense Americans already knew. Of course, CNN, MSNBC and the other major networks gave the Times’ story zero coverage as usual.

So even the Times now admits that Hunter’s drug infested sexual lifestyle is truth, and by admission, acknowledges that the emails showing Hunter used his father’s influence on the world stage to criminally increase the Biden’s family wealth.

So the Times has come around to inadvertently admit the other truth: Joe Biden lied to the American people and continues to do so.

Welcome to the party Times. I guess it’s a case of better late than never.

Very much like the fake Russia collusion lie propagated by the democrats, liberals equally pushed that the Hunter Biden laptop story was, “Russian disinformation.”

Even Biden’s press secretary minion Jen Psaki pushed that narrative to the media, who took her at her word along with 51 intelligence officials who reviewed the laptop and claimed Russian disinformation.

Still trust a democrat-led government? Sad if you do.

This, despite the fact that all the actual evidence was laid out before their eyes. Oh boy, a classic example of facts doesn’t matter to democrats. I’m glad they finally matter to the Times.

Now Psaki is conveniently refusing to answer questions about Hunter Biden’s laptop, saying that the first son and his attorneys aren’t government officials so she can’t comment on any person who is not.

Well Jen, Hunter Biden’s activities directly tie the current president to helping his son extort foreign money for family financial gain and using Hillary Clinton’s pay-to-play strategy to get it done. I think it matters and I know it’s relevant so what do you have to say now?

Hmm. I imagine Al Gore never thought his “Inconvenient Truth,” climate change narrative would actually apply more factually to the Biden criminal empire.

The Times finally confirms that those 51 intelligence officers lied, and not one is willing to acknowledge their betrayal to the American people.

Still think Trump was wrong about D.C.’s deep state? Sad if you do.

We always knew it was there, but it took Trump to expose the fact that a government founded of, for and by the people operates outside the fundamental philosophies of this democratic republic at a much deeper level than we even realized.

OK, we did realize it, but we could never prove it until now. Chalk another truth up to Trump. Thank you sir.

In essence, if you’ve ever wondered if your vote really matters, it probably rarely did when democrats stoop to this level of traitorous behaviors. The only way to overcome such treachery conducted by democrats is to ensure every single conservative American casts their ballot to overcome the enemies of democracy.

We can’t afford a 60% turnout. We can’t afford an 80% turnout. We need every America-loving Conservative to vote, get involved and pay attention.

Everything Trump said before he took office, while he was in office and after his administration questionably ended, turned out to be true. We all knew that, but it has taken this unmitigated disaster of a Biden presidency for even some on the left to come around to the reality and depths of the deep state swamp.

Even die hard liberal comedians who dominate the late night shows are questioning this fact. Even they are starting to ask the right questions like the Times is finally starting to do.

But the liberal propaganda broadcast “news” machine is still committed to remaining a swamp creature and refuses to budge off the anti-American liberal convoy driving this country straight to hell.

The Times story will get the attention of some reasonable democrats. Sadly, the continued 38-40% of liberals who still think Biden is doing a good job are a lost cause.

Just look at my remaining liberal haters and the things they post. They still argue Russian collusion. They still argue that Trump was impeached even though he was accused for the very thing Biden did while Trump did nothing wrong.

This is the percentage of Americans liberals rely upon to maintain power in this country. Again, those aren’t my words. Those are the words of the DNC in their leaked emails.

Democrats know they have a 35-40% base of voters they count on to remain ignorant. Democrats know another 10% can be swayed with lies. The final page of their playbook to get the 1-2% voter edge to claim victory is what we have been seeing over the past five years: Lie, cheat, steal and use their media allies to push all of it.

Our path to not only victory, but to save America is clear. We must not let the great awakening to falter. We cannot be complacent. We must be every bit as relentless as those who are intent on destroying everything America, at her very core, represents.

Late night comedians and the NY Times coming around to the truth are good first steps. But it’s not enough to overcome the liberal lies. To do that, we must continue to counter the lies with the truth at every step of the way.

And remember, that every election is local. Every election affects your life. Know the truth at the national level and know it well at the local level.

It’s easy at the national level to tell the difference which politician stands for America and which ones stand only for themselves. We must pay attention at the local level and act, as well as vote with equal enthusiasm. There are wolves in sheep’s clothing pretending to be Conservatives in Manatee County, too.

The primaries are coming. Pay attention. Get to know your candidate and what they support, and equally important, what they don’t. Don’t be fooled by some who put an R in front of their names just because they know they reside, and are running, within a Republican district or ward.

In August, may the true Republican win. Before November, we’ll start to dig into what those Republicans represent moving forward. In December, we will begin the accountability and transparency process never before seen in Manatee County.

And we will do all of that together.

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