Wahoo live in the warm waters of Florida and Louisiana. The warmer weather seasons are the best time to fish for them. Part of what makes it the most difficult fish to catch is its speed– they can swim up to 60 miles an hour! Use a planer to troll 12, 14, or up to 16 or 20 knots.

Each expert has their own technique. Some use dead bait, others use live baits, and some swear by dragging multiple lures. During low tide, go for 200 to 400 feet depth. However, during the last part of the incoming tide and the first part of an outgoing tide, the fish will congregate around inlets.

Another challenge in baiting a Wahoo is their strength. Be sure you have a firm grip because these guys may be able to hurl a fisherman off the boat!

Related Blog: Why is a Wahoo Fish Called a Wahoo?

Originally found on iOutdoor Blog Read More

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