As the City of Bradenton loses three long term employees to retirement, Mayor Gene Brown shares his feelings in the letter below.

A letter from Mayor Brown …

“Even if you have never been to or called City Hall, if you have never attended a city meeting or met a Police Officer or Firefighter, your life has been touched by the three retirees to which the City is bidding farewell this month.

City Clerk & Treasurer Sharon Beauchamp served the city for 27 years, City Administrator Carl Callahan for 25, and Assistant Public Works Director Dave Beauchamp for nearly 35. That’s a lot of institutional knowledge walking out the door all in one fell swoop. They will be sorely missed.

We’ve been preparing for these departures, and we understand that continuing to move the city forward is the most important thing. But this is not about that. This is about the people.

These three employees have been respected and beloved by their employees. They have given all those years to the City of Bradenton because they genuinely cared about its future through all that time. They have seen the City through changes too numerous to detail, which they have not only witnessed but personally affected. They have put in hours no one ever knew about and have answers to questions we haven’t even formed yet.

We know these are giant shoes to fill, and we will do our best as we move forward.

Carl, Sharon, and Dave are off to new adventures in their retirement.

I know you will join me in wishing them Godspeed.”

Left to right, City Administrator Carl Callahan for 25 years, Mayor Brown, and City Clerk & Treasurer Sharon Beauchamp served the city for 27 years.
Assistant Public Works Director Dave Beauchamp for nearly 35 years.

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