FWC News

Watch the 2021 Snook Symposium online June 30

Media contact: Amanda Nalley, 850-404-6100 or Amanda.Nalley@MyFWC.com
Release Date: 06-28-2021
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Watch the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission’s (FWC) seventh Snook Symposium online at TheFloridaChannel.org on June 30, beginning at 8:30 a.m. ET. Participate during the event by submitting your questions or comments, which we will check in real time, online at MyFWC.com/Snook2021 or by email to Saltwater@MyFWC.com.

The Snook Symposium is a great way for anglers and outdoor enthusiasts to engage with fisheries managers and researchers on this important Florida fishery. Discussions will include a stock assessment update, the importance of habitat, information about efforts to improve water quality, and updates on conservation and restoration efforts.

Originally found on MyFWC.com Read More

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