By Jared Dyson –

Charlotte, NC — In the days following the riots at the Capitol, Democrats seized on the opportunity to blame Republicans for inciting violence. They blamed President Donald Trump and several representatives for speeches with the crowd before they marched to the Capitol. They introduced and passed articles of impeachment, without an investigation or without the full story of what happened.
The Left seized on the opportunity to run with the emotions of the country following the attack. Social media and tech giants were pressured to block Trump and his supporters from social media. Parler was forced out of application stores and off of Amazon web servers in an effort to prevent their ability to share ideas and free speech.
From the beginning, it has been clear that those who were involved in these events are not your typical Trump supporters. They may have had Trump gear on, but it was not like these were everyday hardworking American Trump supporters. At best, they were like the Germans in World War II, who many times put on the uniform of the enemy to create confusion.
Former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund has maintained from the beginning that this was a coordinated attack on the Capitol. It doesn’t matter if the attack was coordinated by Antifa, QAnon supporters, Black Lives Matter, or any other group that you want to name. The key detail here is that this was a coordinated attack and these are not your everyday American’s that were involved.
The left tells a different story. They tell the story that everyone who attended the events that day is an extremist. They say that anyone who voted for Trump should be placed on a registry, monitored for extremism. The truth is, it’s just a cover for their wishes to silence conservatives.
What happens if evidence continues to emerge that proves this was a coordinated attack among extremists? USA Today reports that there are some pieces of evidence that show it was coordinated. Perhaps there were some Capitol staffers that were involved and Capitol police and security involved. Almost everyone uses the internet these days.
If it was a coordinated attack, we have to ask the question about what happens with the Democrats accusations. Should that not immediately nullify the attempted impeachment of President Donald Trump? Does that instantly bring back the validity of questioning the election results and asking for an investigation?
After all, if we were to use the same logic that the Left is using here, Democrats across the country incited riots by Black Lives Matter and Antifa. Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer took that knee in the Capitol some time ago, that was identifying with an extremist group and they should immediately be expelled from Congress.
This is the problem with reacting to something before the entire story is known. Democrats responded, coordinating with the mainstream media, to drive a narrative that President Donald Trump and his supporters are at fault. They want to divide our nation and cause everyone to hate Trump and his supporters.
The unfortunate situation is that the attack very well may have been coordinated, but many people will be found guilty and charged simply for being there and caught up in the situation. One story I read online shared that a young lady was there and thought that officials had let them into the Capitol. Only after the mayhem started did she realize that those at the front forced their way into the Capitol.
Other stories online have shared that these extremists were already present at the Capitol as the rally attendees made their way to the building. Obviously, there are thousands of stories from the events from the thousands of attendees. It will be months until we know the full details.
The attack at the Capitol was disgusting and should not have happened. Just like the overreaction and instant criminalization of Trump supporters should not be happening. It seems highly plausible that the attacks are determined to have been coordinated and carried out by extremists online. At that point, will the Democrats stop their ridiculous rhetoric? It seems unlikely.
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What Happens If Evidence Proves Capitol Attack was a Planned Extremist Attack After All? is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more.
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