By Duncan Idaho –

Google has removed Parler from its Play Store, but that doesn’t have to stop you from installing the #1 most downloaded app prior to the tech giant’s biased action. The Parler app can still be installed on Android devices. It’s a quick and easy process. #parler #Android #parlerapp #app #mobile — Parler parler Sunday, January …
You Can Install Parler on Android Phones Despite Google Ban is original content from Conservative Daily News – Where Americans go for news, current events and commentary they can trust – Conservative News Website for U.S. News, Political Cartoons and more.

By Duncan Idaho

Google has removed Parler from its Play Store, but that doesn’t have to stop you from installing the #1 most downloaded app prior to the tech giant’s biased action.

The Parler app can still be installed on Android devices. It’s a quick and easy process. #parler #Android #parlerapp #app #mobile

— Parler parler Sunday, January 10, 2021

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Google has removed Parler from its Play Store, but that doesn’t have to stop you from installing the #1 most downloaded app prior to the tech giant’s biased action.

The Parler app can still be installed on Android devices. It’s a quick and easy process. #parler #Android #parlerapp #app #mobile

— Parler parler Sunday, January 10, 2021

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