How white label products can help an ecommerce business grow

How white label products can help an ecommerce business grow

If your ecommerce revenue has plateaued, you may be wondering about how you can encourage growth. While manufacturing an entirely new product is often risky and costly, white labeling is the perfect solution to help an ecommerce business grow. White labeling is a partnership between a manufacturer and a retailer.   The manufacturer provides the…

Trump Lawyers Counter Democrats With These 4 Impeachment Arguments

Trump Lawyers Counter Democrats With These 4 Impeachment Arguments

Former President Donald Trump’s lawyers have fired back against House Democrats’ charge that he incited an insurrection.  Two Trump lawyers, David Schoen and Bruce Castor, filed a 14-page counterbrief Tuesday, the same day Democrats’ impeachment managers made an 80-page filing.  The Trump brief denies that calling for supporters to “fight” is inciting a riot. It…

Democrats’ 4 Top Arguments  for Trump Impeachment Trial

Democrats’ 4 Top Arguments for Trump Impeachment Trial

House Democrats prosecuting former President Donald Trump released a memorandum Tuesday laying out key points against Trump, the first president to face an impeachment trial in the Senate after leaving office.  The House impeached Trump for the second time seven days before the end of his four-year term, accusing him of “incitement to insurrection” before…

Website Terminology Glossary: Hosting, Vol. 1

Website Terminology Glossary: Hosting, Vol. 1

When you’re hustling, time is money and that money comes in coins, not bills. It’s why we made our Website Terminology Glossary for web pros. This free resource for designers, developers, marketers or anyone else makes it easier explaining technical stuff to clients. Rather than a lengthy back-and-forth, quickly find definitions that break it down…

Black History Month and Republican Support for Civil Rights in 1960s

Black History Month and Republican Support for Civil Rights in 1960s

Conservatives are labeled constantly as racist both in the radical liberal media and within the black community. Some of the accusations are justified, but many aren’t supported by facts. But because conservatives are incompetent in messaging, especially when it comes to the black community, oft-repeated radical liberal lies have become the truth. These perceptions will…

How to respond to comments and console unhappy clients

How to respond to comments and console unhappy clients

Let’s get real: In the web design world, complaints come with the territory. If you’re selling a product or service based on creative design and interpretation, you’ll eventually encounter an unhappy client. And keeping clients happy is key to providing exceptional customer service. Most complaints fit into one of these categories: The client is uninformed,…