If Biden Really Wants ‘Unity,’ He Will Call Off Kangaroo Court Impeachment Trial

If Biden Really Wants ‘Unity,’ He Will Call Off Kangaroo Court Impeachment Trial

In his inauguration speech Jan. 20, President Joe Biden invoked Abraham Lincoln and the Gettysburg Address—and a nation, now as then, deeply divided.   “To overcome these challenges—to restore the soul and to secure the future of America—requires more than words,” Biden solemnly intoned. “It requires that most elusive of things in a democracy: unity. Unity.”  The repetition presumably was for emphasis. “Today, on this…

Biden Off to a Divisive, Partisan Start With Executive Actions

Biden Off to a Divisive, Partisan Start With Executive Actions

During the early weeks of his presidency, Joe Biden has embraced the radical elements of his party and instituted divisive and wholly partisan policy changes. He has abandoned solidarity and fellowship in favor of division and factionalism. Mere hours after championing “unity” and pledging to “be a president for all Americans” in his inaugural address,…

Pence to Join Heritage Foundation, Write Column for Daily Signal

Pence to Join Heritage Foundation, Write Column for Daily Signal

Former Vice President Mike Pence will be joining The Heritage Foundation as a distinguished visiting fellow, the think tank announced Thursday.  “The Heritage Foundation is a flagship of the conservative movement and I am profoundly honored to join them as a distinguished visiting fellow to advance conservative solutions that will benefit every American,” Pence, who…

‘Talk Is Cheap,’ New Congresswoman Says About Left’s Calls for Unity

‘Talk Is Cheap,’ New Congresswoman Says About Left’s Calls for Unity

Freshman Rep. Beth Van Duyne, R-Texas, says she is committed to focusing on the “meat and potato issues that affect people’s daily lives.” Van Duyne was the first female mayor of Irving, Texas, from 2011-2017. Now, she says, she’ll draw on her experience in local government to listen to the needs and concerns of Americans…

Trump’s Policy Achievements Strong Foundation for Conservative Future

Trump’s Policy Achievements Strong Foundation for Conservative Future

The Congressional Budget Office now projects that economic recovery in 2021 will be faster than it predicted last July. It projects that the economy will be back to its pre-pandemic levels by mid-2021. This very good news reflects the fact that the economic turndown was not as severe as the federal agency had expected, and…

The Great Wall of Washington

The Great Wall of Washington

According to President Joe Biden, Democrats were supposed to be building bridges—not walls! Tell that to his party’s leaders, who are actually considering a plan to add a permanent, razor wire fence around the Capitol complex. Despite major pushback from both parties, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., have told reporters…