State Department tweet tying COVID-19 to Cuban protests is criticized

State Department tweet tying COVID-19 to Cuban protests is criticized

The U.S. State Department was criticized Sunday over a tweet that tied the historic protests that broke out in Cuba to COVID-19 concerns in the country where people have been living under communism for decades. Julie Chung, the acting assistant secretary for the department’s Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs, posted, “Peaceful protests are growing in…

Kristi Noem Just Made Her Second Biggest Political Mistake: She Attacked Ron DeSantis at CPAC

Kristi Noem Just Made Her Second Biggest Political Mistake: She Attacked Ron DeSantis at CPAC

Kristi Noem was a rissing star in the GOP. TIRED OF THE ADS? BECOME A PREMIUM USER TODAY!! She’s beautiful, articulate, and talked a tough game. She’s also been a big supporter of President Trump. MORE NEWS: [VIDEO] During His CPAC Speech, Trump Reveals That He Figured Out Why Bill Barr “Changed” Noem was so…

Sen. Cruz says US stands behind Cuban protesters, regime consigned to ‘dustbin of history’

Sen. Cruz says US stands behind Cuban protesters, regime consigned to ‘dustbin of history’

Sen. Ted Cruz, the son of a Cuban immigrant, took to Twitter on Sunday in support of the thousands of protesters that took to the streets in Havana to rail against the worsening conditions in the communist country. Cruz reposted a video that claimed to show dozens in front of the Communist Party Headquarters and…

[VIDEO] During His CPAC Speech, Trump Reveals That He Figured Out Why Bill Barr “Changed”

[VIDEO] During His CPAC Speech, Trump Reveals That He Figured Out Why Bill Barr “Changed”

I gotta admit, I was duped by Bill Barr. TIRED OF THE ADS? BECOME A PREMIUM USER TODAY!! When he first splashed back on the scene, I was really leery, especially because of his Bush ties. I thought he was an establishment DC bum, who would do nothing to help Trump and simply toe the…

[VIDEO] Actor Mel Gibson Spotted “Saluting” President Trump at UFC Game

[VIDEO] Actor Mel Gibson Spotted “Saluting” President Trump at UFC Game

President Trump attended a big UFC game in Las Vegas on Saturday night. TIRED OF THE ADS? BECOME A PREMIUM USER TODAY!! Trump sat “cages-side,” and when he came into the arena, the crowd went absolutely wild, cheering, hollering, and chanting “USA, USA, USA.” It was an amazing scene. RELATED: [VIDEO] President Trump Walked Into…

Bernie Sanders silent on Cuban pro-democracy uprisings after praising Fidel Castro’s communist policies

Bernie Sanders silent on Cuban pro-democracy uprisings after praising Fidel Castro’s communist policies

As thousands of protesters took to the streets of Cuba Sunday evening calling for an end to the country’s communist regime, U.S. lawmakers are speaking out on social media in solidarity with the demonstrations. However, Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., who has previously defended some of the policies of Cuba’s communist dictator Fidel Castro, has not…

OANN Reporter Just Noticed Yet Another Mistake Kamala Made During “Rural Americans” Interview

OANN Reporter Just Noticed Yet Another Mistake Kamala Made During “Rural Americans” Interview

If you didn’t know by now, Kamala Harris – one of the most unlikeable politicians in the United States – went on national TV and insulted rural Americans. TIRED OF THE ADS? BECOME A PREMIUM USER TODAY!! Yes, once again, in an effort to kibosh any “voter ID” or ID for mail-in ballots, Kamala Harris…

Temple University professor claims all White people are ‘connected to racism’

Temple University professor claims all White people are ‘connected to racism’

Black News Tonight host Marc Lamont Hill is facing backlash on social media after the Temple University professor claimed during an interview that all White people are “connected to racism.” “I don’t know if you’re backing me into a corner with that question but yes, I do,” Hill said when asked the question directly by…

Here’s The Photo That Should Terrify Every RINO Running For ReElection…

Here’s The Photo That Should Terrify Every RINO Running For ReElection…

The political primary season is upon us. TIRED OF THE ADS? BECOME A PREMIUM USER TODAY!! And that means a lot more to Trump supporters this time around than ever before. MORE NEWS: [VIDEO] President Trump Walked Into an Arena Last Night and The Crowd Erupted Into a Booming Chant After the 2020 election, where…